Page 11 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2014
P. 11
Chapter Snapshots
At their November 2013 chapter meeting, members of Idaho Chapter of Heritage Artists discussed what sort of holiday donation they could offer to their local charity, Hope’s Door. ICHA has made Hope’s Door a recipient of its community service efforts for several years and wanted to continue that support through the holiday season. Chapter members liked the idea of giving gifts of toys to children helped by the charity, but after discussing this with the director of Hope’s Door they discovered that each family was already fully sponsored and would receive everything they needed for Christmas. ICHA chapter members were told that what Hope’s Door really needed were gift cards to the local grocery store, where the organization purchases the supplies necessary to feed their residents.
Hope’s Door, a twenty-eight-bedroom shelter for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence, strives to help women and children establish violence-free lives by providing temporary shelter, food, and clothing. While these families take refuge in the shelter, they are offered various methods of improving their circumstances; among many other benefits, children are provided with play therapy, and women are educated about domestic violence issues. On going support groups for survivors of domestic violence are also available for these families.
ICHA members decided to raise funds for Hope’s Door at its December Christmas party. A stocking was passed during the celebration, and the collected cash donation reached a generous $500. Chapter members were thrilled to present this donation to the charity in the form of a Paul’s Market gift card (the organization’s local grocer of choice).
The chapter’s support of Hope’s Door is ongoing, with members bringing items such as hygiene products, diapers, and other personal items to each monthly meeting. Through the generosity of entities such as the Idaho Chapter of Heritage Artists, Hope’s Door is able to provide support to families who are often struggling to overcome the hardest events in their lives. Thank you, ICHA, and all SDP chapters, for generously supporting your communities.
The Decorative Painter
• ISSUE NO. 2, 2014 9