Page 44 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2017
P. 44

Paint vein lines and spots with Tuscan Red on 6c. Highlight 6c with Yellowed Orange. Tint 6b and 6c with Pink. Tint 6b and 6d with Poppy Red. Tint 6d with Bronze. Shade 6d with Henna.
Highlight 6c with Sand tinted with Pink. Highlight 6c with Cream. Blend 6b and 6c with Henna. Tint 6c with Yellow Ochre, Orange, Pink and Poppy Red. Tint 6d, 3b, 2a and 4a with Poppy Red. Shade 6b with Dark Umber.
Basecoat with Yellow Ochre on the left side and Pink on the right side. Go over the left side with Yellow Ochre and Bronze. Highlight with Sand. Shade with Bronze. Add Dark Umber spots. Tint with Lime Peel. Highlight with Cream. Blend with Yellow Ochre. Shade with Chocolate blended with Yellow Ochre.
Tint with Nectar and Orange. Shade with Chestnut. Shade the leaf on the far right with Clay Rose. Add Burnt Sienna, Chocolate and Dark Umber spots. Shade with Dark Umber. Highlight the leaf on the far right with French Grey 10% blended with Sand.
Shade the leaf on the far right with Chocolate blended with Clay Rose, on top of that with Chocolate. Tint the same leaf with Yellow Ochre, Yellowed Orange, Lime Peel and Bronze.
Tint background green area on top of the leaf with Yel- low Ochre, Moss Green, Olive Green, Jade Green and Moss Green. (When varnishing this area I noticed that it still looked too bright, so I added Nectar and Chestnut.)
Highlight with Sand. Tint with Nectar. Highlight with Cream blended with Sand. Tint with Mineral Orange. Add Chocolate speckles. Highlight with French Grey 10% and tint over it with Chocolate. Tint with Parma Violet and Bronze. Paint lines of Chestnut for the veins.
Apply Henna over vein lines. Basecoat 8a with Nectar, 8b with Chestnut and the 8c section with Seashell Pink+ Clay Rose and Yellow Ochre.
Basecoat 8d with Seashell Pink+Nectar. Tint all over with Pink. Highlight with Beige Sienna. Tint with Orange and Sand, blend with Nectar.
Shade with Chestnut. Paint vein lines with Henna. Tint with Yellow Ochre and Yellowed Orange. Highlight with French Grey 10% tinted with Orange on the left side. Blend this with Yellow Ochre.
Tint with Pink again. Shade with Henna. Highlight with Sand first and then with Cream.
Shade 8b and 8c with Chocolate blended with Beige Sienna. Shade with Dark Umber and add dark spots. Highlight with Seashell Pink. Tint the right side with Yellow Ochre. Go over the Yellow Ochre with Chocolate blended with Yellow Ochre. Add Henna spots.
Basecoat with Clay Rose.
Basecoat 10 with Mineral Orange.
Blend 9 and 10 with Beige Sienna. Highlight 9 with
Seashell Pink. Shade with Chestnut 3d, 2e, 9, and 10.
Basecoat 11a with Yellow Ochre and 11b with Nectar. Blend 11a and 11b with Nectar.
Basecoat 12 with Nectar on the light section and Chest- nut on the dark section. Shade and paint some dark spots with Dark Umber. Tint with Chocolate.
Highlight with Orange and Poppy Red. Highlight vein with Beige Sienna and with Nectar. Blend with Chestnut. Highlight with Clay Rose blended with Chestnut.
Tint with Mineral Orange. Paint veins with Dark Umber. Go over the veins with Tuscan Red.
Basecoat leaf 13 with Mineral Orange. Paint Dark Umber spots. Paint veins with Henna.
Shade with Chestnut, Sienna Brown and Chocolate. Highlight with Spanish Orange. Tint with Nectar, Orange and Poppy Red.
Highlight with Sand blended with Yellow Ochre. Burnish with Sand and then shade with Nectar. Tint with Yellow Ochre, Poppy Red, Beige Sienna, and Henna.
Basecoat section 14 with Beige Sienna on the light sections and Dark Umber on the dark sections. Highlight with Nectar first and then with French Grey 10%. Shade with Dark Umber. Highlight with Seashell Pink. Tint with Yellow Ochre.
Basecoat with Yellowed Orange. Dull down with Henna and Nectar.
42 The Decorative Painter • FALL 2017

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