Page 45 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2017
P. 45
Basecoat with Chestnut.
Basecoat with Orange in some areas, Lime Peel, Chestnut, Poppy Red, Spanish Or- ange, Nectar, Chocolate, and Mineral Orange. Combine section 15 using Mineral Orange.
Tint with Orange. Dull down with Nectar. Tint with Sand, Chocolate, Bronze, Kelly Green, Clay Rose, Parma Violet, Hen- na, Yellow Ochre, and Moss Green. Dull this section with Beige Sienna and Kelly Green.
Basecoat the pink stems with Henna and the dark brown stems with Dark Um- ber. Shade the Dark Umber stems on the lower section with Dark Green. Highlight the top of the Dark Umber stems with Nectar blended with Chestnut. Shade the stems that were basecoated with Henna with Chocolate and highlight them with Nectar.
Go over the penciled areas with a Prisma- color Premiere Colorless Blender. Make sure you do not go over the acrylic painted ar- eas. Spray several coats of Grumbacher Gloss Final Varnish. Wait at least 30 minutes between coats. Apply two coats of J.W. Etc. Right Step Gloss Varnish. Wait at least 60 minutes between coats. Apply two to three coats of Final Coat Varnish.
artist’s sketch
Nilda Rosa Rodriguez cda, has been painting since 1988. Ever since she can remember she enjoyed drawing
faces and coloring books. A set of new crayons or an art set was her favorite gift. She painted solely in acrylics
for several years until she had the courage to try oils on her own. Nilda passed her certification in the still life cat-
egory at the Society of Decorative Painter’s Tampa convention in 2005. In 2007 she started designing in colored
pencils. She traveled across the United States and England to teach seminars in oils, acrylics, and colored pencils,
as well as being a contributor to The Decorative Painter and the Japan Decorative Painting Association Magazine,
for which she was selected to be the cover artist for the December 2016 issue. Nilda owns three online painting
schools with teachers from around the world: the,, and
She loves painting people, birds, flowers, fruits and still life. In her store,, she sells online classes in Colored Pencils, Oils and Acrylics as well as pattern packets or tutorials in all three of these mediums from different teachers. You may view videos at The password is @DP#3*2017.
The Decorative Painter
• FALL 2017 43