Page 12 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2014
P. 12
Chapter Spotlight
In November 2013, Gold Country Decorative Artists of Sacramento, Calif.,
held a holiday-themed fundraising event to benefit a very worthwhile cause. Hand- painted ornaments provided by chapter members sold out, and we were able to reach our goal of making it possible for stroke victims to attend a very special camp.
As a registered nurse in the Neurosurgery/Neuroscience Unit at Sutter General Hospital in Sacramento, I frequently provide care for patients who have suffered a stroke. Stroke patients’ maladies range from mild weakness on one side of their body to severe paralysis resulting in an inability to communicate. In addition to physical hardships, a stroke also presents emotional difficulties to its victims. The emotional results can often become as debilitating as the physical afflictions, if not dealt with.
Because of this, many years ago Sutter General Hospital organized a stroke support group and a stroke camp. The support group is an excellent place for stroke survivors and their families to bond with other survivors. From one another, stroke victims can receive both physical and emotional support in a relaxed and uplifting atmosphere. The stroke camp is a three-day event held
in the foothills of Northern California. The event is coordinated by people
who have suffered strokes and attended by survivors from all over California. Activities offered at the camp include art and craft sessions, dances, barbecues, and even physical and occupational therapy opportunities. Nurses, therapists, and staff from Sutter General volunteer their time and talents to ensure that this yearly camp is a success.
The stroke camp is supported through the fundraising efforts of many people, but often the fee required for a stroke survivor and his or her caregiver is more than the attendee can afford. Our staff tries very hard to offset the cost to our survivors, so this year I decided to organize a fundraiser that put the many talented members of the Gold Country Decorative Artists to good use. Of course, our members were eager to help. We spent several months painting ornaments, and in July we held an all-day painting session. As our members painted, I presented an informative discussion on stroke and distributed educational materials. Together we created more than ninety hand-painted ornaments.
To kick off the 2013 holiday season, our nursing staff hosted a Support Stroke Camp holiday reception, in an effort to raise money for the event. The hospital’s staff, support group members, and families of stroke patients were invited to attend. Three Christmas trees were draped with GCDA’s beautifully painted ornaments, and our guests chatted with Santa (a stroke survivor) as they enjoyed holiday refreshments. Several stroke survivors serenaded the staff and guests with guitars and harmonicas. Santa and I, along with several nurses, even visited the nursing units, offering them goodies and ornaments. Every one of our hand-painted ornaments was purchased by our guests, resulting in a total of more than $600. This money will be used to send survivors to stroke camp in September 2014.
Every Christmas the Neurology floor at Sutter General holds a Christmas ornament exchange, and I was delighted this year to see many of GCDA’s painted ornaments on display. Our chapter has been paid countless compliments, and some staff members have even asked if I have more ornaments to offer. Our chapter hopes to make this an annual event, and we greatly look forward to painting in the upcoming year.
10 The Decorative Painter
• ISSUE NO. 1, 2014 DEcOrAtIvEPAINtErS.OrG