Page 9 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2014
P. 9
Society Update
Use your SDP Platinum Visa card when you pay for Conference registration, classes, and events, and receive triple reward points. Intrust Bank has partnered with the Society to provide an incentive for members to use their SDP card for activities related to your trip to San Diego. In addition, you will receive triple reward points for your stay at Town and Country Resort in San Diego.
One of the easiest ways to raise funds for the Society is with the use of the SDP Visa credit card. Each time you use your card for everyday purchases, a donation is made
to SDP by Intrust Bank. The card comes with rewards for you, too. This free
program lets you earn points every time you use your credit card that pays
you back with a wide variety of reward choices. Points may be redeemed for
cash back, merchandise, travel, event tickets, or gift cards, and you can re-
deem your points online. There is also complete fraud protection, including
24/7 account monitoring, zero-liability fraud protection, and free personal
identity theft coverage. The SDP Platinum Visa consistently ranks as one
of the lowest APR rewards cards available anywhere. It’s easy to apply.
Simply visit or call 1-800-222-7458.
The Society wants to make sure you receive your magazine. According to the U.S. Postal Service, it could take up to six weeks from the time it enters the service at the time of mail- ing for your magazine to be delivered. The Decorative Painter is on schedule with mailings the first week of February, May, August, and November. If you have not received your magazine six weeks after that time, contact SDP Headquarters at (316) 269-9300 or sdp@ to let us know.
Our policy is to replace missing magazines, but requests must be received in the SDP offices within eighteen weeks after mailing. That means members have approximately three months after the end of the arrival window to claim a missing issue.
Remember to always send us your change of address immediately. We cannot change an address once the mailing list has been pulled from our database for the mailing service. This takes place approximately two weeks prior to the mail date.
Our goal is to make sure that you receive every benefit that comes with membership.
In this issue of The Decorative Painter you will find the write-up for candi- dates running for office and the Nominating Committee, as well as the absen- tee ballot. This is your opportunity to exercise your voting right as a member of SDP. Please read the information on each candidate and vote. There are two ways to cast your vote:
1. Voteinpersonatthe2014SDPAnnualMeeting,tobeheldMay14,2014,
at the Golden West/California Ballrooms at Town and Country Resort
in San Diego, Calif. Ballot distribution will begin at 8 a.m. Don’t forget to
show your SDP membership card at the door to verify your right to vote.
Attending members will also have the right to vote on bylaw amendment proposals.
2. Voteviatheabsenteeballot,whichisavailableonpage121.Simplyphotocopythe ballot or cut it out of the magazine. Cast your vote and send it to: SDP Absentee Ballot, 393 N. McLean Blvd., Wichita, KS 67203-5968. Please make sure that your member- ship number is written on the outside of your envelope—your vote will not count if the envelope does not show your membership number.
This is your organization and you have the right to select your leaders.
dEcOratIvEpaINtErS.Org The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 1, 2014 7