Page 41 - DPM3_Fall_2021_Flipbook
P. 41
Painter’s Checklist
7" square Bombay Box (17.78 cm)
Brilliant Magenta Raindrop
Rich Gold Seedling Stillwater
Teal Green Titanium White
Syn-Sable nos. 3 & 5 Round No. 1 Dresden Liner
No. 0 Short Liner
No. 10 Flat
1/2" Soft Mop 1" Flat Glaze
Basic painting supplies (page 96)
Jo Sonja’s Fast Drying Glaze Medium
Jo Sonja’s Flow Medium
Jo Sonja’s All Purpose Sealer
Jo Sonja’s Polyurethane Satin Varnish
Wet palette (optional)
Pointed cotton swabs (Q-tips precision tips) Tape
Sea Sponge
Bombay Box, Item #TOG-BXKS available from DePalma’s Custom Woodcrafts,, (717) 657-3344
Take a break, relax! One of my favorite tings to paint are strokes ... commas, s-strokes, swirly lines, dots. To me this is a great way to unwind. It’s such fun to play in the paint experimenting with color combinations I don’t often use in fun, interesting patterns. So grab your favorite brush, some fun paint colors and create your own little sea of calm. Have a sweet bite to top it all!
Lid Top - Basecoat inside and out with Raindrop+JoSonia’s All Purpose Sealer (1:1)
Bottom - Basecoat inside and out with Teal Green+All Purpose Sealer (1:1)
Sand both parts, wipe off any dust and apply a second coat to each without sealer.
Transfer design using white graphite paper.
To paint strokes, paint must be of ink consistency. This is achieved by mixing a few drops of water or Jo Sonja’s Flow Medium into the puddle of paint before starting. I like to keep a small separate puddle of medium or water on my palette so I can tip my brush in it, if need be, before reloading with paint. Remember to keep your brush handle vertical to the painting surface, straight up in the air. This allows the most brush control and enables the bristles to return to their correct shape. You may be able to pull several strokes before reloading or cleaning your brush.
Step 1 – Basecoat large leaf with Teal Green on the right side and Aqua on the left side. Apply a second coat if necessary. Basecoat the scroll stems between elements with Stillwater using a liner brush. Be sure that these lines curve gracefully with no “flat” spots. I like to apply a light coat of Jo Sonja’s Fast Drying Glaze Medium over these scrolls to prevent lifting when shading in the next step. Erase any tracing lines you won’t need before glazing as the glaze will prevent erasing later. Dampen area next to the linework with water and use a flat brush to float Stillwater shading next to the inside of the line. Soften the float with a mop brush by pouncing gently from the clear area into the shading next to the linework.