Page 42 - DPM3_Fall_2021_Flipbook
P. 42

 Step 2 – Add Brilliant Magenta strokes into the Teal Green petals on the top flower calyx, the small green leaves, and the large Aqua and Teal Green stroke leaves. Pull comma-strokes on tips of the Brilliant Magenta petals with a brush-mix of Brilliant Magenta plus Titanium White. Streaks are good in these comma-strokes. The calyx and small leaves on the lower left are Teal Green comma-strokes. Paint the filler comma-strokes with a Dresden liner brush and Brilliant Magenta, Aqua, and Seedling without cleaning your brush after every stroke. The mix of colors on your brush will help carry the colors through the design for unity.
  Basecoat the inside of the top flower (next to the top center) with two or three coats of Brilliant Magenta. Paint remaining small leaves and flower calyx with Seedling. Using Teal Green, line the sides of the small leaves and the bottom of the calyx. Start shading at the base of leaves and calyx with Teal Green using a liner brush. Keep these strokes casual – random lengths and placement starting at the base where they attach and pull toward tips. Do the same on the Aqua petal. The Brilliant Magenta petals and the right side of the large Teal Green petal are shaded with Aqua.
 Step 3 – Using Titanium White, pull long comma-strokes on the large leaves, smaller strokes on the bottom leaves, and add dots at the base of the small Seedling leaves with the handle end of the brush. Over-stroke the various comma-strokes with Rich Gold. Dots on flowers are Rich Gold done in graduated sizes. Starting with the largest dot and continuing without reloading your brush will automatically graduate the dot sizes.
Bottom – Dampen the surface with water. While still wet, dab on Rich Gold with a damp sea sponge, letting the paint blur a little to soften the effect. When dry, use a large flat brush to glaze Teal Green plus Jo Sonja’s Fast Drying Glaze Medium or water over the sponged area to soften the gold further.
Remove graphite lines. Varnish with three (3) coats of Jo Sonja’s Polyurethane Satin Varnish, drying well between coats.
  40 TheDecorativePainter •SFUALMLM20E2R1 2021

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