Page 59 - DPM3_Fall_2021_Flipbook
P. 59
Step 1: Yellow and Orange Roses are basecoated in the specified colors using the #10 flat brush.
Step 2: Use white or gray graphite paper to trace the petal lines. Place the Basecoat 2 color in the light part of the Basecoat 1. Use the 1/2" angular brush to apply this as a back-to-back float or a sideload. Place the Basecoat 1 color in the dark part of the Basecoat 2. Use the 3/8" angular brush to apply this as a sideload. See WET-INTO-WET TECHNIQUES for instructions.
Step 3: Place the High Dark and Light Values using the sideloaded 3/8" angular brush. Place the Light Value by the back-to-back float, too. Add the flower veins using the #0 liner brush and the High Dark Value. Also add the outside edges of the flower petals. Use the no. 1 round brush. Move the mop brush along the flower veins.
Step 4: This piece has an upper left light source. With that in mind, paint the colors in.
Place the Dark and Low Dark Values using the sideloaded 3/16" angular brush. Place these colors mainly in the lower right area of the roses. Add the Dark Value to the flower veins in the lower right areas. Add the Highlight Value between the veins in the Light Value section.
Use the #2 round brush or the 3/16" angular brush. Add the thickness of the recessed part of the petals using the #0 liner brush with the Highlight Value. Add the Accents diluted with a little water and Country Red to the outside edges of the flower petals using the sideloaded 3/8" angular brush.
Add Naphthol Red in the lower right areas using the sideloaded #18 flat brush. Add Cadmium Yellow to the light areas. Add a little Tint using the 3/16" angular brush in the lower right petals. Don’t
forget to use a mop through the entire process to soften the colors.
Paint comma-strokes with Honey Brown and the #1 round brush. Let dry. Paint comma-strokes with Glorious Gold over the Honey Brown comma-strokes. That way it will be a beautiful gold color. Use the #0 liner brush for thin lines. Add Glorious Gold dots using a stylus.