Page 90 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2016
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the hottest NEW PRODUCTS for painters
Play with your paints
and brushes, papers
and scissors, stamps and stencils! Set your creative self FREE! Mixed media designs with step- by-step photos by Sandy LeFlore. Visit JUSTFINEDESIGNS.COM and follow me on Facebook to see the latest creations and classes I’ll be teaching. JUSTFINEDESIGNS.COM
Paint this Elegant Yellow Rose in the comfort of your home! This class includes video instruction, full written tutorial, color photos and a line drawing. “Purely Acrylics – Spring” online classes present 25 fabulous projects in a variety of styles
for just $99!
Linda Sharp CDA 925-784-2530 LINDASHARPCDA.COM
Viking Woodcrafts carries wood surfaces, canvas, paints, mediums, brushes and more for decorative painters. We are always releasing new books and packets that are full of designs and techniques. Watch for our January, February, March 2016 New Product Update for the latest products.
Viking Woodcrafts 800-328-0116 VIKINGWOODCRAFTS.COM
Online Painting School
offers a variety of online painting classes in oils, acrylics and colored pencils, with teachers from all over the world. We own the Acrylics Painting Club and the Colored Pencils Club. We also have a store with pattern packets from many different artists. Calling all teachers! You can submit projects to teach and e-packets to sell with us. ONLINEPAINTINGSCHOOL.COM; Store: TOLEBRUSH.COM
88 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 1, 2016