Page 30 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2015
P. 30

 What would a butterfly look like in winter? That was the question I pondered when designing this multi-layered, mixed media banner. What else but
a Fair Isle sweater, I decided, or at least the look of one. Layering the pattern and color is such fun, and it can create a stunning effect when the colors used are close to each other on the color wheel. Chalk typography is easy, fun and an effective technique to add a fresh and current look to decorative painting.
 Painter’s Checklist
11 1⁄2" x 24" (29.2 x 61cm) canvas (gessoed)
DECOART AMERICANA ACRYLICS Bahama Blue Payne’s Grey Cool White Sapphire Midnite Blue
DECOART TRADITIONS ARTISTS ACRYLICS Aquamarine Prussian Blue Hue Dioxazine Purple Mix Titanium White
Series 206A 1⁄4", 1⁄2" & 3⁄4" angular shaders Series 206 FIL nos. 8 & 12
Series 206FW 3⁄4" flat wash
Series 206L no.10/0 liner
Series 206R nos. 2 & 4 round
Series 206 no. 1 script liner
Series 206WO 1" oval wash
Series 400 1" mop
Dynasty 1⁄2" stencil
Dynasty IPC Small Detailer Foam
Dynasty IPC Small Point Blend
Dynasty Palmer 2" taklon
Basic painting supplies (page 96)
1 1⁄2" chip brush
6 1⁄2" x 6" Delicate Snowflake Stencil Americana Distressed Harlequin Stencil Americana Soft Touch Varnish
Craft glue (white)
DecoArt Extender and Blending Medium DecoArt Multi-Surface Sealer
Foam brush
Foam paint roller
General’s White Charcoal Pencil (Series 558) Iron
Krylon Workable Fixatif Spray
Masking tape
Pencil sharpener, hand or battery operated Plastic transparent ruler
Plastic wrap
Pressing cloth
Prismacolor colored pencil (Black PC935) Small point, pencil type eraser
Spray bottle
Snow stencil is available at Hobby Lobby or you can purchase it at
 28 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 4, 2015

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