Page 8 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2015
P. 8
Society Update
Mark Hill
Interim Executive Director
by Kristen Farrell
In August 2015, Mark Hill was appointed Interim
Chief Executive Officer and President of the Craft & Hobby Association (CHA), as well as Interim Executive Director
of SDP. After only a week and a half on the job, I sat down with Mark to learn about his professional background. What did I learn? This isn’t the first time he’s worked with SDP. In fact, his links to painting are stronger than you may know.
6 The Decorative Painter
Q: Who is Mark Hill?
A: MarkHillisahusband,fatherandbusinessman.HewasborninBerlin,andgrew up in the United Kingdom after spending time in Germany and Malaysia. (His father was in the army.) Mark has been happily married for almost 40 years, and has four children and five grandchildren.
Q: Tell us a little bit about your professional background?
A: Forthepast20years,Ihaveheldseniorrolesinthecraftandfineartindustryfor market leaders Plaid Enterprises, Creativity Inc., the New Image Group and the Thomas Kinkade Company. I started my career in the United Kingdom with Letraset, a multinational company in the graphic products area, before being transferred to the United States to market Letraset and Pantone Color products globally through art supply stores.
Q: What did you take away from working at organizations that have a direct connection to painting, decorative art and fine art?
A: DuringmytimeatPlaidiswhenIwasfirstintroducedtoSDP.AsPlaid’sSeniorVice President of Marketing, I worked closely with SDP leaders like Priscilla Hauser mda and Betty Byrd, and was involved with the publication of popular painting project books, most of which were authored by SDP members. It’s also when I attended the annual SDP International Conference & Expo in both San Diego and Wichita.
Q: What is your vision for SDP?
A: The goal I share with the SDP Board is to broaden the appeal for the Society to a much wider range of artists and consumers, while maintaining the core traditions of decorative painting. In doing so, we will increase membership and participa- tion in the Society.
Q: What can the membership expect from you?
A: SomeonewhowilllistentothegoalsandaspirationsoftheSDPBoard,itsmembers
and staff, and work as a SDP/CHA team to collaboratively achieve those aims.
Q: What are you looking forward to the most working with SDP over the next year?
A: IamlookingforwardtoreconnectingwiththeSDPteamandmembers.Iamalso looking forward to partnering with the SDP Board and staff members to develop plans, programs and services that will continue to make the Society exciting and relevant today, tomorrow, and from there on forward.