Page 92 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2015
P. 92
90 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 4, 2015 DECORATIVEPAINTERS.ORG
the hottest NEW PRODUCTS for painters
Color Pencil: Mastering Color, Value and Form – Many color pencil beginners are often mystified and befuddled about choosing colors or how to organize their pencils. This special package from Mark Menendez includes his North Light DVD, his Color Organizational Kit and an 11" x 14" Prismacolor Color Wheel. You will learn his easy-to-master system to identify value and color with his Four Value Approach. $50
This Beginner Pre-Cut Theorem Kit by Jean Hansen includes complete instructions, five pre-cut Mylar stencil overlays, a full-color reproduction of the finished theorem painting, and one sheet of antique white velour board. •
Made from the highest quality injection molded resins, the Aqua Pro Watercolor Palette is stain-resistant, and has the features artists want: sturdy hard case plastic construction, 32 separate wells for pigments, three divided mixing areas to keep color ranges separate, inverted lid to provide additional mixing area, and a palette cover to keep paints clean and fresh. The overall size is 151⁄2" x 111⁄2" x 15⁄8". • 800-965-2675
Now available, Christmas Gourds by Donna Carpenter, one design per packet. Includes full written instructions plus a line drawing and directions on how to apply the pattern to a gourd. Other holiday patterns are available, as well as finished gourds – they make great gifts!
Art Creations Plus • 619-440-3320
Just in time for the holidays! Shara Reiner’s Patches Tray is a delightful combination
of her most popular funky folk art designs painted on a 14" x 18" serving tray (made in the USA). Pattern packet #PTRS976, $9, Tray #WD6404, $27.97. Other design packets available.
Lindsey/Hofcraft 800-828-0359 •
Cupboard Distributing offers a wide selection of wood snowflakes 12" to 1⁄2" and patterns perfect for the holidays. As well as a large assortment of wood and metal surfaces, canvas, colored pencils, acrylic and oil paints, mediums, brushes, mixed media, stencils and more!
Cupboard Distributing 937-652-3338 •
Purely Acrylics is the sponsor of online e-courses for the decorative art community! Learn how to paint acrylic projects at your own pace, on your own time, using your computer. Spring into 2016 with 24 projects from 22 artists in 12 months. Artists include Simona Anghileri (Italy), Rosemary Barrett, Sharon Bond, Bobbie Campbell cda, Kim Christmas, Janice Cormier, Debbie Cushing, Lynne Deptula, Judy Diephouse, Cindy Harrison, Chris Haughey, Patricia Jarrett, Susan Kelley, Lonna Lamb, Adolfina Mesa (Spain), Theresa Prokop, Nancy Scott, Linda Sharp cda, Lydia Steeves, Mary Svenson, Kathy Swigon, and Lorrie Webber. Visit our website and enter code “PAS16” and save $20 through January 1, 2016.