Page 90 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2015
P. 90
88 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 4, 2015 DECORATIVEPAINTERS.ORG
the hottest NEW PRODUCTS for painters
Each brush in the Micron by Dynasty Series can be used to achieve a high level of detail in your most meticulous project. Made from the finest synthetic hair with strong lacquered short handles and seamless ferrules for all-day control. Micron brushes are available in 12 sizes and
nine styles: X-Long Detail, Detail, Pointed Flat, Shader Flat, Fan Blender, Bent Liner, Bent Angle, Liner and Detailer. Micron by Dynasty – for your most detailed artwork.
Viking Woodcrafts carries wood surfaces, canvas, paints, mediums, brushes and more for decorative painters. One of our more popular products is Final Coat varnish, which we carry in low and semigloss finishes. We also publish, print and distribute decorative painting books and packets.
Viking Woodcrafts, Inc. 800-328-0116 •
NEW! Jeanne Downing’s Vintage Romance Morning Glory Design Kit is painted on a digitally designed background printed on archival scrapbook card stock.
You paint only the morning glories tumbling from behind the printed seed packet. Kit includes printed background, photo of the finished design, painting instructions,
ink drawing, and a color swatch card.
The Tall Arch Frame (#1053) is a one-piece frame measuring 12" x 23 1⁄2" x 1". The blackboard design shown is by Laure Paillex and the pattern is available from JB Wood.
JB Wood Products 508-226-3217
The Painter’s Shelf is the way paint storage always should have been. Beautiful quality workmanship, convenient, a size for every painter, adjustable to your needs. Enhance your painting experience, always be organized. Bruce’s Woodworks is also your source for the widest selection of the highest quality ready-to-paint nutcrackers. •
Here’s a new
design from
Thomas. Check
the website for
new project
pieces, packets
and books from a
variety of artists.
Smooth Cut
This Kingslan & Gibilisco Deluxe Artist Kit designed by Ann Kingslan mda and Mary Gibilisco cda contains what every painter needs to create his or her own masterpieces. Includes 17 custom designed brushes, Genesis Heat Set, Oil Set with a heat gun. Also included are two DVDs: the best selling, Painting
A Day Challenge DVD to help you get started and a Getting Started with Genesis DVD. Kingslan & Gibilisco have been teaching painters how to paint since 1972! Kingslan and Gibilisco Publications
(402)397-0298 •