Page 88 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2015
P. 88
Refer to step one of the head Step-by-Step on page 85. Eye: Basecoat the eye with Sienna Brown using a small, light circular motion.
Beak: Basecoat the beak with Sunburst Yellow.
Head: Basecoat the head with Sienna Brown and White.
Refer to step two of the head Step-by-Step on page 85. Eye: Add a shadow to the eye with Dark Brown.
Beak: Add a shadow to the beak with Mineral Orange. Head: Add the feather lines on the head area with the basecoat colors used in step one, painting White lines onto white area and Sienna Brown lines onto brown area.
Eye: Lightly darken the area around the eye with Black Raspberry. Add highlights on the left side of eye with 20% Cool Grey.
Beak: Add a shadow with Dark Brown to the beak. Then add the nostril with 20% Cool Grey.
Head: Add more feather lines with White on the brown area of the head. Add Dark Brown feather lines onto the white area of the head.
Face Detail: Darken the eye, beak, nostril, and feathers with Black.
Repeat the lines in the white and brown feather area to give more depth. Add the shine of the eye with White. Highlight the beak with Cream.
Refer to the body Step-by-Step on page 85.
STEP 1: Basecoat the wing and body using a soft circular motion using Mineral Orange in the wing and White in the chest area.
STEP 2: Add the feather pattern to the wing area with White in a C-shape pattern. Add details to the wing area with Sienna Brown, making it darker. Use the small C-shape pattern to add White to chest area.
STEP 3: Darken the wing area with Black Raspberry. Ap- ply a touch of Sienna Brown to chest area, creating a round shape. Apply Sienna Brown to the end of the wing and tail area.
STEP 4: Add the feather details in the body area with Dark Brown and Black. Repeat this step to add more detail to the wing. This step takes a lot of time, so take a little break and come back to paint again.
STEP 1: Basecoat the duck’s feet with Mineral Orange. STEP 2: Add shade with Sienna Brown.
STEP 3: Apply Black Raspberry to the shadow area of the feet. Apply lines with Black Raspberry.
STEP 4: Add the detail to the feet with Dark Brown. High- light the middle of leg with Cream. Basecoat the nails with Black, using White to add the shine to the nail.
Use Black Raspberry and Dark Brown on the ground under the feet and add the cast shadow with Black.
If needed, go back over neck and body with a light layer of 70% Cool Grey. Brighten up the feather with White. Add tints of Mineral Orange on the wing area. Then refreshed the sparkle in the eye with a White Gelly Roll Pen.
Spray with Krylon Matte Spray. Hold painting flat, spray across the top, letting the spray lightly fall on the painting.
artist’s sketch
Eriko Kaneko mda, tda has been in- volved with decorative painting since 1992, and started to teach in 1994. She joined the SDP in 1997 and has attended SDP’s Conference 16 times.
Eriko used the certification program
to acquire her knowledge and skill, and
received her MDA in 2014. She is an oil painter and her favorite subjects are flowers and still lifes. She has recent- ly taken an interest in colored pencils. You may contact Eriko at, or
86 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 4, 2015