Page 103 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2014
P. 103
have seeped out. Allow this to dry completely. With the 05 black Micron pen, line around the cutout and the outer edge of the heart border.
Tear off the four corners and edges of an 81⁄2" x 11" piece of paper. Discard the corners and edges, and use the remaining piece of paper to cover the inner area of your piece (the area that will not be spattered). Dampen an old toothbrush with water, and then dip the brush in Lamp Black. Tap the toothbrush on the palette to re- move excess paint. With the brush’s bristles facing your piece, run your thumbnail over the bristles, allowing the paint to spatter on the corners of the finished piece. Al- low this to dry completely.
Design is 50% of original. Enlarge 200% for actual size.
For a free design at actual size, affix two first-class stamps
to a #10 SASE and send to: The Decorative Painter Attn: WEAR RED!
ISSUE 4 - 2014
393 N. Mclean Blvd. Wichita, kS 67203-5968. Allow four weeks for delivery.
When the entire piece is dry, spray it with Preserve Your Memories II and allow it to dry. Apply a coat of Decou-Page to the back of the completed piece (the card stock) and po- sition it on the front of the journal. Use a paper towel to press out any air bubbles that may be underneath the card stock. Dampen the same paper towel and use it to wipe away excess medium that might have seeped out.
artist’s sketch
Marlene Kreutz cda has enjoyed sharing her pattern packets and designs with the decorative painting com- munity for many years. Having discovered the Zentangle trend in recent years, Marlene has been intrigued with the dramatic effect of black and white with an added splash of color. She has taken constructive drawings and created a center of interest (or focal point), adding a few simple doodles. This is how her ink and pencil designs have developed. Contact Marlene at (507) 451-5964, or at Marlene’s books, pack- ets, DVD, and other products are available at
The Decorative Painter
• ISSUE NO. 4, 2014 101