Page 117 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2014
P. 117

  With the 1⁄2" Floral Bright, underpaint the petals with Mauve+Ultramrine Blue. Remove the paint from the brush, and then dry-brush in Titanium White highlights.
Using the no. 6 Floral Round, underpaint the iris’ beards by tapping in thin Alizarin Crimson. Now highlight this by applying tiny Alizarin Crimson and Ti- tanium White dots.
Using the script liner and thinned shadow colors, add contrasting vein lines to all petals.
Using brushes of appropriates sizes, shape the buds using the mixes that were used to paint the irises. Next, add shades and highlights accord- ing to previous petal instructions.
The calyxes are painted with Cadmium Yellow Light+Alizarin Crimson+Sap Green, and are highlighted with Cadmium Yellow Light+Titanium White.
Allow the entire piece to dry completely, and then spray it with Bob Ross Finishing Spray accord- ing to the manufacturer’s instructions. This product quickly dries to an even gloss finish, and will enhance the colors of your piece.
artist’s sketch
      An SDP member since 1977, Pat Smelkoff is an artist, designer, and travel-teacher who divides her time be- tween Myrtle Beach, S.C., and Palm Coast, Fla. She is the author of the book Juicy Fruits and Fragrant Flowers, published by Plaid Enterprises, and numerous projects in a variety of painting publications. Pat is available to teach and would love to take your questions at Check out her class schedules, DVDs, and new designs at, or write to her at 455 Sunnehanna Rd. #222, Myrtle Beach, SC 29588.

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