Page 14 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2014
P. 14
Chapter founder, Becky DeBrigida, with cake made by member Barb Wendel.
Chapter Spotlight
by Jackie Maurer, President
On May 21, 2014, Keystone State Decorative Painters of Perkasie, Pa., celebrated ten years of being an SDP chapter. In 2004, Becky DeBrigida made the decision to create this wonderful chapter with only $130 in the treasury. The board members were soon elected, and the chapter newsletter was christened Chapter Chatter.
For ten years, KSDP’s generous and talented members have painted ornaments and decorated a Christmas tree for a local hospital, and painted keepsake boxes for a women’s shelter and for a Shriners Hospital for Children. Our chapter’s first decorative painting display was at the Upper Dublin Library, and we are still showing off our works there, as well as in another library.
Our wonderful group currently consists of twenty-five members who love painting and getting together. Of these twenty-five, eleven are charter members and for this we consider ourselves very lucky. We lost three charter members over the years, and they have been memorialized by a contribution to SDP: Nancy Herman, Polly Kenrick, and Phyllis Wedman.
Many members deserve kudos for KSDP’s success, but special thanks are due to some in particular: Becky DeBrigida, for founding our chapter and keeping everything in order; Becky Laubmeier, for designing and producing business cards and brochures, in addition to writing our newsletter; Felicia Foster, for designing KSDP’s logo; and Charlotte Wilkes, for starting our first Pen and Inking in 2005 (which we have been doing twice a year since).
Chocolate palettes: made by Jackie Maurer and handed out to all members.
Memory book: made by Jean Walter and given to each member.
Charter members of the Keystone State Decorative Painters.
Table runner: made by Jackie Maurer. embroidery done by Barb Wendel. Run- ner was signed by all members and an- notated with the year they joined, and given to Becky DeBrigida.
12 The Decorative Painter
• ISSUE NO. 4, 2014