Page 15 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2014
P. 15
Chapter Spotlight
by Debbie Churn
Faye Robison of
the Old Dominion
Decorative Artists
chapter in Richmond,
Va., was asked by
her church to paint a
mural for use during
summer Vacation Bible
School. The mural
would have to be large
enough to use as an
on-stage backdrop for
performing fifth graders, and the theme was to be “Son” Treasure Island.
While rummaging through the church’s attic, Faye found four very old, very large, and very used canvas panels. Each panel was 8 feet tall and over 4 feet wide. When placed side by side, the resulting canvas was the perfect surface.
With a timeframe of just three weeks, Faye knew that painting a mural that large would take a lot of hands, a lot of paintbrushes, and lots of basecoating to cover up old paint. She also knew that even after those things were done, the sketching and painting would have to be completed. She needed help! Without any hesitation, three great painting friends from the Old Dominion Decorative Artist’s chapter volunteered their time and talent to help Faye complete the mural. Together Faye, Barbara Campbell, Nancy Pinchbeck, and Barbara Barrett created a beautiful beach scene for the young performers.
by Shirley Broome, Newsletter Editor and Secretary
For our chapter’s September charity event, we used fabric paints to create
fun and youthful designs on canvas tote bags that were then filled with markers, crayons, colored pencils, and watercolors. These cute and colorful bags were then donated to the Art Therapy Department of Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, D.C. The hospital’s art therapists agreed that the children could use something in which to carry their artistic creations home, and said that the painted canvas totes would be very much appreciated and enjoyed.
Before we decided on this event, our chapter’s co-second vice president, Shelly McAteer, suggested that our community service project be centered on one of our member’s grandsons. The inspiration for
this idea was a personal one for our charter
member and historian, Kitt Christie. Kitt’s four-year-old grandson, Logan, was diagnosed with neurofibromatosis type 1 and has been undergoing chemotherapy treatments at the medical center for almost a year.
The Decorative Painter continues to inspire Tole Time at the Jersey Shore’s members with
its network of SDP artists, fantastic year-round projects, and exciting community service stories. Reading about the work other chapters do in their communities is heartwarming and motivating, and I also look forward to The DP’s holiday issue and the wonderful ornament designs that can be painted and given as holiday gifts.
Logan Christie (grandson of member Kitt Christie).
It’s that time of year again to get your forms to SDP, so mark your calendars with the following due dates:
DeCeMBeR 15, 2014
Annual Chapter Forms
are due to SDP.
SDP Insurance Invoices
will be mailed to chapter presidents in October.
FeBRuARY 16, 2015
Chapter Achievement Award Forms
are due to SDP.
Annual Chapter Treasurer’s Report
is due to SDP.
FORmS CAn BE FOunD AT: Chapters/Forms
JAnuARY 1–MAY 15, 2015
U.S. chapters need to submit their 2014 990-N Electronic Notice to the IRS.
If you have any questions about forms, dates, or requirements, contact Becky Gray, chapters coordinator,
at (316) 269-9300 ext. 107,
or email her at
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 4, 2014 13