Page 29 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2014
P. 29
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artist’s sketch
Diane Trierweiler has been a painter for more than thirty-five years and has published sixteen books, several DVDs, and hundreds of pattern packets. She and her husband, Gil, reside in Norco, Calif. For twenty-eight years they have owned The Tole Bridge, a retail store and painting studio. Diane and Gil travel-teach across the United States and Canada, both in shops and at conventions. They have two children and one grandson. Naturally, Diane has great plans for teaching her grandson the art of painting. Write to Diane at 1875 Norco Dr., Norco, CA 92860, or call her at (951) 272-6918. Visit Diane’s website at, or email her at
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 4, 2014 27