Page 28 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2014
P. 28
Using the deerfoot stippler, stipple Snow White over the snowman’s entire face. Without rinsing the brush, pick up a small amount of Slate Grey and stipple this into the shadow areas. You may have to stipple this again with Snow White to soften the shadows. Allow this to dry, and transfer the facial pattern lines.
Add water to a mix of Canyon Orange+Primary Red. Use the no. 4 flat to wash this on the cheeks. Using the same brush, basecoat the nose with Canyon Orange. Using the dome brush, dry-brush an Antique Maroon shadow at the bottom of the nose. Use the liner brush with Antique Gold to highlight the top of the nose. Use the Sharpie, or Lamp Black paint on the liner, to outline the nose. With the no. 4 flat, basecoat the eyes in Lamp Black. With Lamp Black on the liner, apply the mouth and eyebrows. Add the highlight in the bottom left of each eye with Snow White on the no. 4 flat. Place a glint of Snow White on the upper-right side of each eye. Under the mouth, apply the same Canyon Orange+Primary Red wash used for the cheeks.
Using the no. 4 flat brush, basecoat the scarf with Kelly Green. With the dome brush, dry-brush Citron Green highlights on the folds of the scarf. Using the small snowflake stencil, stipple in tiny Snow White snowflakes on the scarf. With Snow White on the end of a brush handle, add dots over the entire scarf. The scarf can be further decorated however you would like. When you are finished decorating it, outline the scarf with the Sharpie.
Basecoat the white stripes with Snow White on the no. 4 flat. When a good, solid coverage has been achieved, use the dome brush to dry-brush Slate Grey along both sides of each stripe. Basecoat the red stripes with Primary Red on the 1" flat. With the dome brush, dry-brush Antique Maroon along both sides of each of these stripes. Use the same brush to dry-brush a Melon highlight in the center of each red stripe. Paint the large hatband at the base of the hat with Primary Red on the 1" flat. Shade it with Antique Maroon, and highlight it with Melon. Allow the piece to dry, and then outline the hat and stripes with the Sharpie. With the holly and berries stencil, use the liner to apply this embellishment to the hat. Paint the leaves with Kelly Green and the vein lines with Citron Green. The berries are Primary Red. Place a Melon highlight dot at the top of each berry. Allow the holly and berries to dry, and then outline them with the Sharpie.
Apply the DecoArt Craft Twinkles on the snowman’s face and the Snow White stripes on the hat. Add the DecoArt Glistening Snow-Tex to the hat and scarf. Using the snowflake stencil, create Snow White snowflakes throughout the back- ground, applying DecoArt Craft Twinkles over them. With Snow White on your brush of choice (or even an old toothbrush), spatter the entire piece, creating a look of falling snow. Use the end of a brush handle to add larger Snow White snowflakes throughout the entire background. Allow the entire piece to dry com- pletely, and then varnish it with one coat of gloss varnish. Allow the varnish to dry completely, and then use a needle and thread to attach the jingle bell to the top of the hat.