Page 5 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2014
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ISSUE NO. 4, 2014
7 Using Facebook for Chapters
118 Certification Corner
120 In the Teacher’s Corner
122 The Decorative Painter Year-End Index 128 Advertiser Index
5 Shades & Highlights
6 Society Update
10 Chapter Snapshots 12 Chapter Spotlight
121 In Memory
   The Society of Decorative Painters is an organization whose membership of approximately 12,000 stretches across the United States and through nearly fifty other countries across the globe. More than two hundred affiliated chapters actively promote decorative painting in its many forms by incorporating it into community service projects, organizing painting-related activities, and raising general awareness of the art form. SDP publishes the industry’s leading magazine, The Decorative Painter, and hosts the world’s largest annual decorative painting show. Visit us online at
Issue Date—November 1, 2014: The Decorative Painter (ISSN 1096-3278) (USPS 015-823) is published quarterly by the Society of Decorative Painters, 393 N. McLean Blvd., Wichita, KS 67203-5968 • Periodical postage is paid at Wichita, KS, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to The Decorative Painter, 393 N. McLean Blvd., Wichita, KS 67203-5968, phone (316) 269-9300, fax (316) 269-9191. Allow four to six weeks. CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTIONS: Canada Post Agreement Number 7178957. Send change of address information and blocks of undeliverable copies to IBC, 7485 Bath Road, Mississauga, ON L4T 4C1, Canada. SDP@DECORATIVEPAINTERS.ORG • COPYRIGHT © 2014 Society of Decorative Painters. The Decorative Painter is a membership benefit of the Society of Decorative Painters and is its official publication. It is not for sale to nonmembers. $20 of member dues is for an annual subscription to The Decorative Painter. • Designs in this book are for use by SDP members and may be used for personal fun, teaching, and pin money. Attention photocopy retail personnel: Permission is granted to photocopy and/or enlarge the designs in this magazine for teaching and personal use. Any other mechanical reproduction in whole or in part is permitted only with written consent of an authorized representative of The Decorative Painter. • The Decorative Painter is not responsible for errors and/or omissions in columns, projects, articles, and/or lesson text. • Trademarked names appear throughout this magazine. Rather than list them and the entities that own them, or insert a trademark/registration symbol with each mention of the trademarked name, the publisher states that it is using the names only for editorial purposes and to the benefit of the trademark owner with no intention of infringing upon that trademark. • Obtain information about The Decorative Painter content, advertising, circulation, and membership from SDP, 393 N. McLean Blvd., Wichita, KS 67203-5968, (316) 269-9300, fax (316) 269-9191, email SDP@DECORATIVEPAINTERS.ORG.
dEcOratIvEpaINtErS.Org The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 4, 2014 3

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