Page 51 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2014
P. 51
Black Green+tch Bright Yellow. Highlight with Black Green+Bright Yellow+Gesso (1:tch:tch). Add additional highlights to the pine tree on the right-hand side of the falls with Bright Yellow and Ultramarine Blue. unDERBRuSH: Using a small scruffy brush with Black Green+Lamp Black, pounce in the underbrush. Add Bright Yellow to the dirty brush and pounce in highlights. Wipe the brush and add more Bright Yellow+Gesso to brighten some areas.
Using the 3⁄4" flat with Purple Pizzazz+tch Ultrama- rine Blue, pounce in clumps of purple flowers over the underbrush. Note that the flower clumps next to the waterfall have the appearance of flowering vines. Wipe the brush and add Purple Pizzazz, and pounce again, adding a brighter level of purple to the flower bunches. Using the no. 10/0 liner, lightly pounce in highlights of Purple Pizzazz+Gesso+Ultramarine Blue (1:1:tch). Wipe the brush and pounce in a few brighter highlights with Purple Pizzazz+Gesso.
Using a 1⁄2" angle, or one you are most comfortable with, start at the top and dry-brush the body of the birch trees with slightly thinned Gesso+tch Lamp Black. Us- ing the 1⁄2" angle with the basecoat mix+tch Ultramarine Blue, float a shade down the left sides of the trees. Rinse the brush and add a Gesso float down the center. Let dry.
Using the same brush with Gesso+tch Bright Yellow, dry-brush a highlight down the right side of each tree. Let dry.
Dry-brush random horizontal details to the bark us- ing thinned Lamp Black and Burnt Umber+tch Gesso on a small angle or flat brush.
Using the no. 6 round double-loaded with Gesso and Lamp Black, stroke in the branches. Using the no. 10/0 liner, add highlights to the tops of the branches in Gesso. Add details with thinned Burnt Umber+tch Gesso.
Using the no. 10/0 liner with Black Green+tch Bright Yellow, add strokes of grass (foliage) at the base of the trees. At the base of the far right tree, dry-brush in some bushes. Add more violet flowers with Purple Pizzazz+tch Ultramarine Blue on a 3⁄4" flat. Highlight with Purple Pizzazz+Gesso+Ultramarine Blue (1:1:tch) and Purple Pizzazz+Gesso.
Using a bristle fan double-loaded with Gesso+tch Ul- tramarine Blue, place the brush in an upright position where the falls meet the water line. Pull a dry-brush stroke up and out for the initial splash effect. Wipe the brush and add very light water mist up and over some of the low- level rocks and foliage on both sides of the falls. Add high- lights to the splash by dry-brushing Gesso. Be careful to keep this area very light.
Using the 3⁄4" flat and a slip-slap horizontal stroke, cre- ate the ripples of the river using Ultramarine Blue, Lamp Black, and Gesso in random order. Blend softly between layers. While wet, add a small amount of Bright Yellow low and in the center of the river. Refer to the photo on page 46. Add highlights to the tops of the ripples in Gesso. Add shades of Ultramarine Blue+Lamp Black at the base. Let dry. Add any additional highlights or shades needed.
Let the paint dry. Review your work and make note of areas where more detail is needed.
SKy: The upper portion of the sky should be blue with fluffy white clouds. Use Gesso to highlight any clouds that need extra highlights. Use Gesso to add additional high- lights to the clouds, especially to the upper area. To add more shade, use thinned Purple Pizzazz. The horizon sky is yellow and orange. Use thinned Pumpkin to add depth, and Bright Yellow to highlight.
TREES: Most of the highlights should be on the right side, with shading on the left. Note the subtle highlights on the large right-hand pine tree that is a reflection from the waterfall.
ROCKS: It may be necessary to add more shadow to the rocks, especially under the trees. Shade with Burnt Umber+ Lamp Black. Highlight with Gesso+tch Burnt Umber. WATERFALL: Review the colors to see if there is enough variation in the water. It should be its lightest right where the water crests and falls. Add thinned Pumpkin highlights to reflect the sky. The waterfall should be its deepest color right before it splashes into the river. Add more blue with Ultramarine Blue on a fan brush.
BIRDS: Add simple V-shaped birds to the sky using the no. 10/0 liner with Lamp Black.
Allow the paint to dry thoroughly. Use your favorite varnish following the manufacturer’s instructions.
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 4, 2014 49