Page 8 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2014
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    Society Update
          We are in the midst of our 2015 membership drive, and now is the time to renew.
If you have already renewed, we want to thank you for your continued commitment to SDP.
The renewal process is easy.
• Return the invoice that came with this issue of
The Decorative Painter, along with your payment,
in the envelope provided in the polybag;
• Renew online at; or
• Call the SDP offices at (316) 269-9300 and speak with
Sony Sacks at ext. 105, or email her at
Remember, to avoid the $5 late fee you must renew by December 1, 2014. The $5 late fee takes effect after that date. Save yourself some money and renew now.
Your 2015 SDP membership card will arrive with Issue #1, 2015, of The Decorative Painter.
                                                     nEW JO-Ann DISCOunT CARD nOW AvAILABLE
Did you know that as an SDP member you are entitled
to receive a VIP Discount Card from Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores? If you haven’t ordered your new card, now is the time. It’s easy and can help you save money on purchases over the next year.
Place your order online at Members who do not have Internet ac-
cess may request their discount card by
calling toll-free at 1-800-525-4951. The
fastest way to get your card is to simply go into your local Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Store and fill out the application. Make sure to bring your SDP member- ship card to prove you qualify.
The Jo-Ann VIP Discount Card can be used for 10% off your total purchase, including regular- and sale-priced
items. The VIP Discount Card is valid at any Jo-Ann store, and is also valid online at by using the promotion code supplied on the back of the card. Please note that prior to first use your new card will need to be validated by store management by showing your SDP mem- bership card and a state-issued photo ID.
   6 The Decorative Painter
• ISSUE NO. 4, 2014
The holidays are a wonderful time for decorative painting: snow-filled land- scapes, reindeer and snowmen out to play, families sharing together, and decorated surfaces all around! As we reflect on the year, please join us in thanking our many SDP business members who fuel our creative spirit and give us the means to create this wonderful art. Like you, these businesses have chosen to support decorative painting through their membership in SDP.
This year, to show our thanks, we have created the Society of Decorative Painters Holiday Catalog. Inside these pages, you will find the newest products, special discounts, and exciting projects and surfaces offered by our SDP business members. Support our members while you replenish your supplies or give a wonderful gift to the artists in your life.
Visit to download the Holiday Catalog today!

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