Page 15 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2015
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Chapter Happenings
Gateway Decorative Artists of Greater St. Louis, MO
Members of the Gateway Decorative Artists of Greater St. Louis, Missouri gave 12 gift boxes for the women at the Turning Point Women & Children’s Abuse Shelter. They are always collecting sundry
type items for the shelter, but this time they wanted to make it a little more personal and decided to concentrate on making boxes of personal items for the women for Mother’s Day. This was their way of letting them know that someone out there really cares about them. The type of items were: shampoo; conditioner; body wash; bath sponge; slippers;
socks; toothbrushes; mouth wash; dental floss; deodorant; body lotion; razors; note paper and
pen; individual packets of tissues; hair pins and
clips; combs; hair brush; nail polish; nail polish remover pads; nail clipper; emery boards and a
bag of Jelly Belly’s. So much was donated by the members that they had three bags full of goodies
to add to the shelf in the shelter to replenish
whoever was in need.
It’s that time of year again—chapter forms will come due over the next few months.
n 2016 Annual Chapter Form—After your chapter election, complete and return this form with the annual chapter fee of $35, plus 10¢ per member, by Monday, December 14, 2015. The amount due is based on your chapter membership as of December 1, 2015. A chapter roster verifying the number of members must accompany the form. Receipt of this form, roster, and chapter fee is a mandatory requirement of the Chapter Achievement Award.
n 2016 Chapter Liability Insurance—Invoices will be mailed to the chapter president in October of 2015. Payment is due Monday, December 14, 2015. Liability insurance covers injuries or damage caused by a chapter member while conducting chapter activities. This payment is also a mandatory requirement of the Chapter Achievement Award.
n 2015 Chapter Achievement Award Form—We are looking forward to hearing about all the great chapter events this year. This form must be received by Monday, February 15, 2016, to be eligible for the award.
n 2015 Treasurer’s Year-End Report—This is a required report also due by Monday, February 15, 2016, and may be mailed with the Chapter Achievement Award form.
n IRS Form 990-N—This electronic form is located at or and must be completed between January 1 and May 15, 2016, for the 2015 tax year. Remember to use your full chapter name
(no abbreviations). Please remember to mail or email SDP a copy of
the postcard receipt. Your chapter risks losing your tax-exempt status
if this annual report is not filed.
All chapter forms will be available online at www.decorativepainters .org/chapters in September.
Questions? Call SDP Headquarters, at (316) 269-9300 or email
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 3, 2014 13
It’s that time of year again to get your forms to SDP, so mark your calendars with the following due dates:
DECEMBER 14, 2015 Payment Due to SDP
2016 Chapter Liability Insurance
FEBRUARY 15, 2016 Forms Due to SDP Chapter Achievement Award Forms
2015 Treasurer’s Year-End Report
JANUARY 1–MAY 15, 2016
U.S. chapters need to submit their
2015 990-N Electronic Notice to the IRS.
If you have any questions about forms, dates, or requirements, contact our
chapters coordinator
at (316) 269-9300.