Page 23 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2015
P. 23

Skill Level: Intermediate
Winter Wonderland
Enjoy painting this scrapbook page to savor your beautiful memories of the chilly and snowy days of the winter season.
     Icreated this design for a scrapbook page. family photos in the painted spaces when
Trace the pattern lightly onto the watercolor paper with used graphite paper. Holding the Pigma Micron Pen at a 45-degree angle, lightly sketch fine lines with varying pressure.
Refer to the Step-by-Steps on page 23. STEP 1: Using a flat brush, first apply a wash of Cerulean Blue Hue in the sky, on the fore- ground of the houses, and around the fence. STEP 2: Apply a shadow with a wash of Ce- rulean Blue Hue+Indigo (1:tch) on the ground and around the largest tree. Apply a wash of Permanent Sap Green+Indigo (1:tch) in the trees and on the foreground. With a liner ap- ply a wash of Burnt Sienna+Burnt Umber on the houses and trees. Apply again to create darker detailed lines. Add detail to the win- dows using the liner dipped in Indigo.
When painting the trees, use choppy strokes instead of a straight line to create the rough ap- pearance of the branches, knobs and knots. Al- low the white of the paper to show in the snow areas on the mountain, roof, and field.
Apply a Cerulean Blue Hue wash in a thin soupy consistency on the sky and path. Shade the path with a thicker mix of Cerulean Blue Hue+Indigo (1:tch). Load a flat brush, blot light- ly onto a tissue, and paint in a zigzag motion to
You can too, or make it to be framed and add finished.
create shading on each side the buildings.
Refer to the Step-by-Step on page 24.
STEP 1: Using a no. 12 flat brush, apply wash with a mixed of Burnt Umber+Burnt Sienna. Leave the snow area unpainted to let the white of the paper show through.
STEP 2: Using a liner brush and wash of Burnt Umber, paint the shade on the left side of the fence. Paint the grass and ground using the liner and a wash of Burnt Umber+Burnt Sienna.
STEP 3: Paint the detail using the liner brush and Burnt Umber. Apply wash of Cerulean Blue with a flat brush to make the shadow of the snow. Darken the shadow with Cerulean Blue Hue+Indigo (1:tch)
Refer to the Step-by-Step on page 24.
STEP 1: On the cardinal’s body paint a wash of Quinacridone Red.
STEP 2: Use Indigo wash on the wings and tail. STEP 3: Using the Pigma Micron Pen, add legs, beak, and wing lines.
Refer to the Step-by-Step on page 24.
STEP 1: Basecoat with a wash of Cerulean Blue Hue.
STEP 2: Using the liner and Cerulean Blue Hue+Indigo (1:tch) add the details on the wing and tail.

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