Page 47 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2017
P. 47
Final shading is done with a little Chocolate and Dark Umber softening with Warm Grey 50%.
On the nose of the teddy bear, place in the White high- light first and soften with Beige. Shade with a little Choco- late and soften with Sand. The eyes, nose and mouth are placed in with Black, adding a little White for highlight.
Refer to beginning for basic steps.
Fine-tune fingers with shading between fingers and on knuckles using Chestnut softening with the Beige Sienna. Create warmer areas in hands with Nectar and Henna using a light touch when applying these colors. Around the fingernails use Chestnut. Fingernails are Light Peach. Darken between fingers as seen with a little Chocolate. Arms have some warmer colors just as the face did using Beige Sienna and Nectar. You can very lightly add a little Henna. Shade with a little Chestnut and Chocolate.
Feet are shaded with Chestnut and Chocolate. Warm with Henna and soften with Nectar. Shade between feet with Dark Umber and touches where toes are bending.
Use Warm Grey 50% and soften with Cool Grey 30%. Further soften and fill in with Beige and Beige Sienna.
I find that using a little odorless paint thinner (or rub- bing alcohol) helps to quickly fill in the pores. You can use an Aqua Brush, paintbrush or even a cotton swab to apply a little solvent to help blend. This technique will only work if you have enough pencil coverage. If too much paper still shows through while using the solvent just go back and apply more of the pencil while the paper is still damp from the solvent. I will even go back and use a small amount of solvent on the skin or fabric if I still see pores showing through my pencil coverage. Don’t use this technique on the teddy bear or you will lose the texture.
I do not like to spray my colored pencil projects pen- ciled on paper but just simply matte them and frame under glass. Thanks so much and happy penciling! Please visit our website for more great colored pencil projects and techniques.
artist’s sketch
Paula Leopold has been sharing her love for painting by teaching others to paint for over 40 years. She
teaches weekly classes in the Denver metro area in oils, acrylics, watercolors, and colored pencils. She also
travel-teaches around the country for several major conventions and SDP chapters and other private groups,
teaching her beautiful style of colored pencils. Paula’s husband of 48 years, Bill, travels to conventions with
her now that he is retired, truly making it a wonderful family affair. Her beautiful family of three children, seven
grandchildren and four precious little great-granddaughters has been a blessing and a source of inspiration for
her art. She has been recognized by the Society of Decorative Painters with her Certified Decorative Artist award
and is a member of several painting organizations as well as the Colored Pencil Society of America. Please contact Paula at www. or to schedule a time for her to come and teach your local group.
The Decorative Painter • SUMMER 2017 45