Page 7 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2017
P. 7

 society update
Linda Sharp, CDA, Presents
Up, Up and Away
Online E-Course
Come fly with me! Let’s get away to a time gone by and do some whale watching from a hot air balloon.
Includes video instruction and full written tutorial.
The Decorative Painter
Are you taking full advantage of your benefits? New opportunities add over the past two years to increase the value of your membership are:
ACCREDITED DECORATIVE PAINTER (ADP): This new entry-level track to
our Certification Program to give more members the ability to learn and become a certified artist.
ONLINE VIDEO LIBRARY: New content was added, consisting of every- thing from one-minute tip videos to demos and complete lessons with instructional material, to give members exclusive access to more projects and education.
DISCOUNTS: New discounts, including discounted rates to subscribe to Interactive Artist Magazine, and on hotel rooms through Hotel- Storm. View the full discount list in the member-only section of our website.
CHAPTER TOOL KIT: New tools were added and resources for chapters to help them grow locally. More resources are currently being developed to add to the Tool Kit soon.
THE DECORATIVE PAINTER: The magazine was given a refreshed look
and includes member-requested artists. A readership survey will be conducted this fall to get more input from the membsership on how we can continue to improve the publication.
The society wants to encourage it’s members to send their recom- mendations on how we can improve the value of your membership, please email them to
Did you know the individual Step-by-Steps and line art of all
projects in The Decorative Painter
can download from our website for
free? Log in to the members-only
section at
to view our digital edition and
download the materials you need to paint.
Our Annual Meeting will take place on Thursday, May 18, 2017, from 9 a.m. – Noon at the Ocean Center Convention Center in Daytona Beach, Florida. Gather with your fellow members from
all over the world and vote for new Board officers. Board candidate information was published in the last issue of The Decorative Painter and is also available on our website. Remember to bring your membership card printed out or show us the electronic version
saved on your smartphone to receive a ballot.
Linda Sharp CDA • • 925-784-2530 •
Painter’s Palette
Art School
Fine Art Supplies
Classes for Adults & Children
Workshops with Award Winning guest Artists
205 Public Square • Berryville AR 72616 479-586-4868 Cell • 870-505-4064 Store
Lynne Crow Artist/ Instructor

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