Page 9 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2017
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S h o w& T e l l
Painting on tin and interpreting the designs created by the artists in the families of the tinsmiths of the 19th century is one of Barbara Bunsey’s favorite things to do as well as share it with others whenever she can.
The St. George Tucker House, in Colonial Williamsburg, is an original 18th Century home and a hospitality house for donors to the colonial capital where artisans share their skills several times a week. About 12 years ago, Barbara asked if they might be interested in her demonstrating country tin painting” and they said “Yes!”
Every year, when she visits in December, she takes several hours out of her day to do a demo. Barbara has met some very interesting people from around the world who have asked great questions and have been so kind and interested in our artform.
In 2016, Barbara had the honor of painting an ornament for the Christmas tree at the DeWitt Wallace/Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum, which is covered with folk art ornaments. Mrs. Rockefeller was a collector of contemporary and folk art and the museum was started with part of her collection.
Several years ago Sandy Aubuchon cda had the opportunity to teach decorative painting in Beijing, China. Never in her life did she believe this would happen to her. The painters in China have more stroke painting practice and this made Sandy feel that this was going to be challenging but, but it ended up being fun.
Students came from all over China, in- terested to learn new techniques from Sandy. Questions came from all directions. This group was excited to learn.
All her students were beautiful stroke painters and caught on to new techniques quickly. Chinese stroke painting is very different than U.S.; they use a very soft bristle round brush. Many of the brushes we use, in the U.S., such as synthetic, flats, filberts, fans, etc., were totally new to them.
Sandy’s students were hard workers, working from morning til evening. Second best would not do, but working on a new stroke or technique until they perfected it was their habit. Toning down a color was difficult for them because the Chinese love bright, brilliant colors. Many painters wanted to apply for the Society’s Certification program immediately. One of Sandy’s students passed her CDA in two years.
New England Traditions October 3–8, 2017
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DECORATIVEPAINTERS.ORG The Decorative Painter • SUMMER 2017 7
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Robin Prout, NET 2017 Chair
Sponsored by the New England Chapters Council, Society of Decorative Painters
2017 artwork by Lynne Andrews ©2016 NECC