Page 22 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2018
P. 22
Painter’s Checklist
Canvas 16" x 20" (40.64 x 50.80 cm)
Cadmium Orange
Cadmium Red Light
Cadmium Yellow Medium Cerulean Blue
French Ultramarine Blue Ivory Black
Titanium White*
*To all Titanium White, add a touch of Cadmium
Yellow Medium. Use this mix when Titanium White is called for throughout the painting. The mix should be a very soft, off-white color.
DOROTHY DENT BRUSHES ~ FM BRUSH COMPANY Background Brush no. 14 flat bristle
Foliage Fan no. 4 - 6 bristle fan
Detail Flat no. 4 flat sable
Barn Brush no. 4 flat bristle Twiggy Liner no. 1 sable liner
Basic painting supplies (page 96)
Winsor & Newton Liquin or Weber Liquiglaze
Dorothy Dent’s products are available at or by calling
(417) 732-2076 Tues/Thur 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Please leave a message if no answer.
Mail: Painter’s Corner Inc., 108 W. Hwy. 174, Republic, MO 65738.
These misty “mountains” represent the rolling, tree- covered hills found in the Smokies and in our beautiful Missouri Ozarks. Basecoat them with the background brush, using short, downward strokes. The paint should be loaded on one flat side of the brush, and facing down, to do the correct strokes. Vary the colors slightly as you work to create texture. Use just enough paint to cover the surface of the canvas.
Begin at the top of the hills on the right using a mix of Titanium White+Cerulean Blue+a little Cadmium Red Light, adding more Cerulean Blue and less Titanium White as you work down where the hills become darker. Also work in a bit of French Ultramarine Blue+Cadmium Red Light in a few places. Touches of Ivory Black rather than Cadmium Red Light may also be added to gray the blues down somewhat and give a different, cooler look in the hills. Keep all the colors soft and distant so the trees in front of the hills will show up.
Continue with the hill on the left using the same tech- nique. Darken it slightly where it overlaps the hill behind so it will pull forward a bit.
Touch in a few pink highlights toward the bottom of the hills with the same mix used in the sky. Work with the foli- age Fan brush and use short, pulling down strokes to set this pink into the basecoat just a bit. Keep it very soft and hazy.
20 The Decorative Painter • SPRING 2018