Page 31 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2018
P. 31

                                                                                          STEP 3: Add a little more Snow (Titanium) White for the mid-value grapes and finally a little more for the lightest grapes. Use Snow (Tita- nium) White on the liner brush to separate the grapes. Use a glint of Snow (Titanium) White here and there for shine.
Vines for grapes are done with the liner brush and Raw Sienna plus a little Plantation Pine plus a little water.
When dry, use a Magic Rub Eraser to remove any remaining pat- tern lines. Apply a coat of DecoArt Varnish.
Use the pattern to make a greeting card using the box pattern! Splatter the card with Sable Brown using an old toothbrush and flip the edges of the brush with your finger. Splatter a little Celery Green in the background as well. Do as much or as little as you like. Transfer the pattern with dark graphite.
  artist’s sketch
      Sandy Aubuchon cda has been a member of
the Society of Decorative Painters since 1974
and has been teaching for more than 40 years.
She has taught at the Society of Decorative Paint-
ers Convention, Creative Painting in Las Vegas,
Heart of Ohio Tole in Columbus, and has con-
tributed articles to many painting magazines.
She has taught at more than 100 SDP chapters. Royal Brush and DecoArt are sponsors for Sandy to travel-teach at SDP chapters and seminars. She teaches 12 to 15 seminars a year and still enjoys them just as much today as she did 40 years ago. Over the years she has published 45 books and 36 videos and DVDs. Decorative painting has allowed her to travel the world, teaching in 27 countries and most of the 50 states.
The Decorative Painter
• SUMMER 2018 29

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