Page 40 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2018
P. 40

                                                                                                      BRIAR ROSE
LEAVES AND STEM: Basecoat with Hauser Light Green using filbert brush and two-stroke leaves; use liner for stem. Highlight tips and top edges with a float of Hauser Light Green+Camel (approx. 1:1); dry-brush highlights next to center vein on opposite side of leaf with same color, using no. 4 dry brush; add to left side of stem and do a back-to-back float in centers of knot area. Repeat, using Margarita in dirty brush to all areas as above; re- peat, adding a touch of Chartreuse Yellow to dirty brush and adding only to brightest areas (I did not do this to the darkest leaves).
Sideload thinned Light Lime onto brush with a bit of extra water (you want to just cool down a few leaves, not “color” them) and add to a few of the leaves. Shade areas of leaves that are not highlighted, next to highlight on opposite side of center vein, right side of stem, shadow areas of knot with a mix of Hauser Medium Green+Hauser Dark Green (approx. 1:1); repeat, using Plantation Pine. Pick up Charcoal Grey in dirty brush and add shading to darkest leaves.
THORNS: Add thorns with Camel and no. 0 liner brush. Highlight just the tips of those in a brighter area with a touch of Butter. The briar rose has a lot of thorns, so be sure to add quite a few to the stem.
ROSE: Basecoat with Butter. Using no. 16 shader brush, float Cotton Candy on each petal walking color toward center; repeat, using Petal Pink, not walking down as far;
repeat, using a mix of Petal Pink+Dragon Fruit (approx. 1:1); repeat, picking up Scarlet in dirty brush. Add a thin float of Tuscan Red in darkest areas. Float thin Cranberry Wine to separate petals; repeat, picking up thin Charcoal Grey and add to darkest areas. If you lost the “white” cen- ter area, float Butter up from center.
CENTER: Using no. 4 dry brush, pick up a bit of Hauser Medium Green and Camel and tap in center. Pick up Butter on side of dirty brush and tap in highlight on right side; pick up more of the base color to temper the brush, pick up Scarlet on side of dirty brush, and tap in shadow on left side. Using no. 0 liner brush, tap in dots of Sunny Day and Scarlet; add very thin lines of Scarlet to attach some of the dots to center.
Add tints of Tuscan Red and Dragon Fruit to a few of the leaves. Add tints of Hauser Medium Green to red rose and Hauser Light Green to briar rose. Add very thinned Scarlet next to stems toward center and to corners.
Basecoat with Charcoal Grey. Using no. 6 dry brush, pick up Copper Kettle Metallic Lustre, take out excess, and brush along outside edge of frame and on corners. Pick up Polished Coral and dry-brush on inner edge.
artist’s sketch
       Barbara began painting and teaching this art form over 30 years ago and has taught at many conference sover the years and at various painting chapters in the East and Midwest. She continues to teach on a regular basis in her home studio and wherever her travels take her.
Her designs have been featured in many magazines and eZines. Barbara has been named to the Directory of Traditional American Crafts by Early American Life Magazine for over 12 years. The artists on this exclusive list represent the best ”for their finely wrought skill” in telling wonderful stories with their reproduction artwork.
Barbara is a member of the Society of Decorative Painters, Decorative Arts Collection, and Tole Painters of the Western Reserve where she has served in various board positions. She has exhibited at fine art and craft shows in Ohio and Virginia for many years. You may contact Barbara at Barbara (Franzreb) Bunsey, 909 Berkshire Drive, Macedonia, OH 44056; (330) 467-7402; bbunsey@; or visit her website at
            38 The Decorative Painter • SUMMER 2018

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