Page 73 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2018
P. 73
Starting at the left, using a 3⁄4" flat brush, basecoat the first pot in Medium Gray, second pot in Greenscape, third pot is Steel Gray, and last pot is Coffee Latte with a touch of Wicker White. Let dry.
Add details to first pot on left using a no. 12 flat brush loaded with Floating Medium and sideloaded with Wicker White. Stroke the folds in the swag on both sides, then stroke the center folds and finally, stroke the bottom band of pot.
Add details to second pot, which is the band in the middle, by adding comma-strokes across with a no. 12 flat brush double-loaded with Greenscape and Wicker White.
The third pot is textured using a 1⁄2" scruffy brush with Steel Gray and Wicker White. Then add Medium Gray to the same brush and pounce along the bottom and slightly up sides of the pot. Don’t over-pounce.
Accent the fourth pot using a no. 10 flat brush loaded with Floating Medium and sideloaded with Coffee Latte. Shade around each section of the container. Then clean and load a no. 10 flat brush with Wicker White and stroke scroll designs, following the pattern.
Shade the shelf and containers by loading a no. 12 flat brush with Floating Medium and sideloading Medium Gray, then stroking under and around each, and behind each pot edge. Once dry, the design will be ready for adding florals.
MOSS: Load a 1⁄2" scruffy brush with Sap Green and a touch of Wicker White. Taking care not to overdo and get muddy, pounce a ball shape in the pots on both ends and also a little down on the shelf by far right pot. GREENERY: Using a no. 6 flat brush loaded with Sap Green and occasionally a touch of Wicker White, add vines coming out of pots on both ends. Load a no. 2 script liner brush with inky Sap Green and add a few curlicues (See Step-by-Step on page 70.)
ROSE LEAVES: Stroke leaves in the pot of roses with a no. 12 flat brush double-loaded with Sap Green and Wicker White, keeping the white to the outside for contrast (See Step-by-Step on page 70.) Then add smaller leaves with a no. 10 flat brush loaded with Sap Green.
IRIS AND TULIP STEMS/LEAVES: Load a no. 12 flat brush with Sap Green and Wicker White and stroke the stems and leaves (See Step-by-Step on page 70.)
IVY LEAVES: Load a no. 10 flat brush with Sap Green and sideload with Wicker White, then stroke vines and leaves on the left side of the far left pot. Add smaller leaves with a no. 6 flat brush loaded with Sap Green.
The Decorative Painter
• SUMMER 2018 71