Page 74 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2018
P. 74
BLUE FLOWERS: Double-load a no. 10 flat brush with Look at Me Blue and Wicker White; stroke 5-petal flowers in clusters.
IRISES: Double-load a no. 12 flat brush with Wicker White and Coffee Latte; stroke iris petals with white to outside of petal (See Step-by-Step on page 69.) Add shad- ing in centers using a no. 6 flat brush double-loaded with Floating Medium and Berry Wine. Add Yellow Ochre and Daffodil Yellow accent with a no. 6 flat brush.
TULIPS: Double-load a no. 12 flat brush with Magenta and Wicker White and stroke tulip petals (See Step-by- Step on page 69.) Pick up Daffodil Yellow on Wicker White side for tulips in middle of the pot.
ROSES: Load a no. 12 flat brush with Berry Wine and sideload with Pink Melon; stroke roses. (See Step-by-Step on page 69.) Each petal is created by touching on the chis-
el, applying pressure to lay the brush on its flat edge, wig- gling and pulling along to create a shell stroke, ending on the chisel edge of the brush by releasing the pressure and standing the brush up. Smaller roses are stroked with a no. 12 flat brush double-loaded with Yellow Ochre and Daf- fodil Yellow with a touch of Wicker White.
TULIP/IRIS POT MOSS: Pounce moss at the base of the tulip and iris stems using a 1⁄2" scruffy brush loaded with Sap Green and a touch of Wicker White.
Add any remaining curlicues and shading once green- ery and floral strokes are dry.
Allow the surface to dry completely for 24-48 hours before sealing with several coats of Plaid FolkArt Satin Varnish, following manufacturer’s directions.
artist’s sketch
A self-taught decorative painting artist and a member of SDP since the late 1990s, Donna
Dewberry is the creator of the One StrokeTM technique. Discovered by Plaid Enterprises, a
leading American Craft Company, and with their support in paints, tools and media, Donna
has risen to become a highly respected, accomplished and published artist with over 100
books and 50 instructional videos to her credit. She also has an amazing education program
with over 13,000 One Stroke Certified Instructors globally, all of whom, including Donna,
love to share and educate others. Donna is proud to have her own YouTube Channel for Education, and her previously recorded PBS shows are still broadcast on the PBS Create television channel. Be sure to check out Donna’s online classes at groups/donnadewberry.
72 The Decorative Painter
• SUMMER 2018
Design is 25% of original. Enlarge 400% for actual size.
For a free design at actual size, affix two first-class stamps to a #10 SASE and send to:
The Decorative Painter
SUMMER - 2018
1220 E. First St., Wichita, KS 67214-3907. Allow four weeks for delivery.