Page 11 - E-book 2_Neat
P. 11

Delta Modern Language School
Grade 2
1st term 2024 - 2025

            Rule 3: The Present continuous Tense

    We use it for actions happening now, at the time of speaking

Affirmative                    Examples

I am (‘m) + v - ing            -I'm eating pizza.

He                             -He’s drinking milk.
She + is (‘s) + v - ing        -She’s watching TV.
It                             -It’s sleeping on the chair.

We                             -We're jumping.
They+ are (‘re) + v – ing      -They’re walking.

Time Expressions
Now – Today – Look! – Listen! – at the moment

Spelling Rules

Verbs ending in (-e), drop the (–e) and add the (–ing) ending

e.g. have + ing → having / make + ing → making

Verbs ending in a single stressed vowel followed by a consonant
double the last consonant

e.g. run + n + ing - running / sit + t + ing - sitting
swim+ m + ing - swimming / hit + t + ing – hitting

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