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             SCREENS                                                      STAGE DIGITAL SPECS

                                                                             3 LED SCREENS
                                                                              (MOTION VIDEO OR STATIC IMAGERY,
             Music and entertainment represent the                            NO AUDIO)
             heart and soul of Fremont Street Experience.
             We feature three stages under the canopy                         •  2 SIDE PANELS: 112X336
             that play free live entertainment every day.                     •  MAIN BACK PANEL: 448X336
             The stages are where masses of visitors gather                   MAY OUTPUT AS ONE VIDEO/IMAGE: 784X336
             to revel in the fun and excitement of the street                 •  VIDEO: H.264 MP4, 59.94 OR 29.97 FPS
             representing the perfect, captive audience
             for sponsors to convey their message.

             All stage digitals run 24/7. Messaging is sold
             in 15-second increments. Sponsor messaging
             does not air during live performances.

               3RD STREET STAGE

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