Page 4 - Red Rock Info Guide
P. 4
Important Rules...
for your comfort and safety
Restroom & Laundry: Code 524 . as we are subject to gusty winds at feels safe and will not bark. Should
Restrooms are NOT to be used for any time. you tether your pet in the yard while
washing clothes, dishes, pets, etc. Campground etiquette: Please sitting outside, please make sure
Closed for cleaning as posted. DO NOT walk through other the length of the rope will not reach
Laundry: Please use liquid laundry campsites. the road. Please walk your pet on a
detergent or pods, no powders or Septic: Protect our septic system. leash at all times. Do not let your
bleach. Pods are sold in the office Do not throw baby wipes, personal children walk your pet unless they
for your convenience. Please note: wipes or any feminine products in are responsible to control it and pick
Any laundry left unattended for our toilets or your own RV toilet as up after it. There are areas to let
more than 10 minutes will be they will clog your holding tank and your pet off leash outside of the
removed to a basket. Dryers take 5 our septic system. park’s fence only. Pets are NOT
minutes to warm up and 5 minutes Car Wash: Washing cars and allowed in park buildings or on the
to cold down. trucks is not allowed. RV washing is playground. Pets, however, are
Quiet hours: 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. allowed upon approval. We do allowed in the office. Thank you for
Check out time: 11 a.m. provide a ATV/UTV was area for a cleaning up after your pet at all
Guests: Site rent is based on nominal fee to clean your rig prior to times. This needs to be done even
occupancy of up to two adults. loading it and departing the park. in areas within the park fence where
Customer’s overnight guests must Please check with the office prior to there are no campsites. Please do
register with the office and pay using. not allow pet waste to be left on
guest fees. Hammocks Etc: Please do not tie your site. Noisy or unruly pets for
Children: Parents are responsible anything to our trees or install tents those which complaints are
for their safety and behavior at all on grass. Please arrange your received about continuously will not
times. Please supervise your young carpets so they fit on the gravel be permitted to remain. Pet waste
children while in the playground pads and don’t extend onto the disposal bags are available by the
area, keep them out of other yards grass. dumpsters and near the playground
and, alert them to stay away from Wildlife: Bear-proof dumpsters are area for your convenience. We
hookups between RVs. Children are provided for our guests. They are know that pets can be a special part
welcome to ride their bicycles and located next to the pickle ball court. of your family and hope you feel
scooters so long as they don’t ride Please do not send small children comfortable with these guidelines.
them on the deck or patio. They with the garbage. PLEASE break Please remember that non-pet
need to be mindful of the large down boxes prior to placing in residents may not always feel the
vehicles entering and exiting the dumpster. same way as you do concerning
park. Please have your children in General/Other: No smoking in all pets. We want to try to make sure
your campsite at dusk to prevent park buildings. that everyone can be happy.
any accidents. Picnic tables are vinyl and will melt
Campfires: Campfires are allowed easily. Please do not put a BBQ or Important Phone Numbers:
in our fire pits: however, the Forest hot cooking utensils on them. After hours in park emergencies -
Service PROHIBITS burning wood Pets: We welcome pets, but we do (208)558-0314
that is carried in from the forest or need to have a few guidelines for Fremont County Sheriff -
from out of the area. For your everyone’s enjoyment. Please be 208)624-4482
convenience we sell local considerate of our non-pet Island Park Medical Clinic -
Yellowstone firewood in the store. residents. Please don’t walk your (208)558-7766
An unattended fire must be doused pet in someone else’s yard. Dog Madison Memorial Hospital
COMPLETELY. barking is a problem and can be (Rexburg) - (208)356-3691
Awnings: Please secure your annoying at times. Please do not National Poison Control Center -
awning before leaving for the day leave your pet in your RV unless it (800)222-1222
(208) 558-7442 • 3707 Red Rock Road | Island Park | Idaho | 83429• info@redrockrvpark