Page 26 - Resort Info Guide Complete 2022.cdr
P. 26
No Refunds For Early Check Outs
Propane: A propane service truck that could be damaged by sprinkling
delivers to the Resort every should not be left out. Please do not Smoking: is NOT allowed in any
Thursday around 9 a.m. to fill water your lawn. If the grass gets dry, building. Please dispose of cigarette
motorcoach tanks (see page 22 for please inform the office. and cigar butts in a proper receptacle
more information). Please inquire at Lawn Maintenance: The grass is and not on the ground.
the office for the correct signage if mowed once a week on Thursday. Spa & Swimming Pool Rules
you wish for the truck to fill your We ask that you have all personal No Lifeguard on duty: Swim at your
propane tank. Times may vary items off of the grass so we can mow own risk. Pool hours are posted on
slightly due to unforeseen efficiently. pool entry gate. They do vary
circumstances. If you need to fill your Resort and KOA Boundaries: throughout the season.
tank at another time, please check Please stay within the boundaries of Children: Under the age of 15 must
with the office. We fill propane tanks the resort/campground, designated be accompanied by an adult. If your
7 days a week during office hours. by fences and trees. child is caught using the pool without
Campfires: NO campfires in the Firearms and Fireworks: No an adult they will lose their pool
Resort. discharge of either is permitted in the privileges for the rest of the day.
Sites & Parking: Please do not park resort. Pool: The pool is for registered
any vehicle, or part of a vehicle Children: Let your children have fun, guests and paid visitors ONLY.
(including your RV) on or over the however, we require that you Glass: Glass of any kind is not
grass, on the streets (except in a supervise your children and be allowed in the pool area.
designated parking space) or in an responsible for their safety and Posted rules: Please abide by
empty RV space. RV pads need to whereabouts at all times. Please posted rules in pool and spa area.
be kept clean of clutter. Please respect others by not walking through Hot Tub: For their safety and
respect others by not walking through their sites. everyone's enjoyment, no one under
their sites. Sewer connections must Restroom/Showers: These facilities the age of 18 is permitted in the
be tight and odor free at all times. are for registered guests or paid hot tub. Anyone under 18 caught
Flags: No political flags. visitors ONLY. They are open 24 using the hot tub will lose their pool
Generators: are not allowed at hours, except for posted cleaning privileges for the rest of the day.
anytime. hours. Cleaning hours will vary
Clotheslines: are not allowed, dryers depending on the season. Please This Resort is privately owned.
are available in our laundry room 24 help us keep our restrooms/showers The management reserves the
hours. and grounds clean by leaving them right to refuse service to anyone
No Mats or Carpets: Please refrain as you would like to find them. The and will not be responsible for
from using these items on any grass. code for the resort showers is located accidents, injuries or losses of any
On Site Washing Vehicles: There is on the bottom right of your site map. cause. The management reserves
a washing service (with charge) that Laundry: The laundry room is open the right to evict anyone (without
will come to your site and wash your 24 hours and we have one in the refund) from the premises for
vehicles and/or RV. main building and Resort satellite detrimental conduct and/or
Sprinklers: Sprinklers come on daily bath house. Laundry products and violating above rules.
between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. Items change are available in the office.