Page 5 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 5

WHAT DO I NEED TO                                     WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT

                                  CONSIDER?                                                from  Eva?                                      DIVORCE NAVIGATION GUIDE

                        You have several options.
                          It is important that you                                You need advice to  help

                         select a process that fits                              you find the  best process

                           you and your unique                                   fit for you and your family

                           Your choices include:
                                                                                     I provide referrals to
                       1) Creating your own                                       Mediators, Collaborative

                       2) Mediation                                                 Professionals and help

                       3) Collaborative Practice                                 you understand how each
                                                                                      can best assist you
                       4) Traditional Litigation
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