Page 6 - DAF 254 Peer 2 Peer Case Studies
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Dung beetle benefits explored by peer-to-peer group
A peer-to-peer group on the Atherton Tablelands are conducting citizen science research that could reap big benefits for the local beef and dairy industries and the Reef.
Nine months ago, grazier Gail Abernathy and Louise Gavin of Remarkable NRM, set up a project to expand the community’s knowledge about the presence and activities of dung beetles on the Tablelands and their benefits to the ecosystem and production.
Supported with funding from the Enhanced Extension Coordination in GBR project, the dedicated group of dairy and beef producers have had surprising results after each collecting four cow pad samples a month for testing.
``Our investigations highlighted a gap in dung beetle activity during the winter months. Of the 17 native and 14 introduced species of beetle we have identified so far, none of them are actively removing enough dung in the winter months, which is something we want to change,’’ Louise Gavin said.
Ms Abernathy said dung beetles could be a game changer for farmers. ``We have discovered the presence of the introduced predacious species Hister nomas which feeds on fly larvae.”
``If we reduce flies, we use less chemicals, which means less runoff to the Reef.”
Ultimately the group hope to establish dung beetle breeding trials locally to increase the number of species suited to the area. ``Australia’s native species are not adapted to clean up the larger moisture pads left by cattle.” ``Removing dung from pastures and shifting those nutrients underground, fertilises and aerates the soil, which improves pasture quality and reduces erosion, as well as breaking down the parasite cycle. It is a win win situation. It’s good for farmers, the cattle, the environment and the Reef.” The peer-to-peer Beef and Dairy Productivity Network group was formed in 2019 as part of the Enhanced Extension Coordination in GBR project. The group focuses on practical and innovative solutions to address the concern of nutrient and sediment runoff into waterways.