Page 4 - DAF 254 Peer 2 Peer Case Studies
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   Alternative cropping knowledge gaps plugged
A peer-to-peer group from the Burdekin has fast- tracked their knowledge and confidence of alternative cropping through a series of meetings, workshops, information sessions and field days. In February, growers from the Alternative Cropping Group in the Burdekin attended a meeting organised by DAF coastal farming team’s Brock Dembowski.
The group identified knowledge gaps associated with growing alternative crops in an improved farming system.
Brock said eight gaps were identified by the group, including winter cropping options, grain contracts, insecticide application, pest and disease management and marketing opportunities.
With funding from the Enhanced Extension Coordination in GBR project, six activities, engaging 102 growers, were held over the past three months including:
• Insecticide application workshop run by DAF coastal farming systems team member and pesticide specialist Alan Blair.
• A tour of the port of Townsville offering networking opportunities with stevedores, Trade Investment Queensland, Port of Townsville staff, and the Federal Department of Agriculture.
• An irrigated wheat workshop with Dr Alan Peake from CSIRO and
• A grain contract training session run by Lyndall Philbey from Grain Trade Australia.
• Installation of two demonstration sites for winter cropping options that have potential in the region.
Brock said if not for the project, many growers would not have taken up the opportunity to learn more about alternative crops or developed new networks. He said the activities and the subject of alternative cropping had attracted a number of new faces. `` It is always good to engage new growers,’’ Brock said.
Brock said the variety of activities will help growers to reduce their risk on farm, find other markets, save money and time, improve their soil health and farming practices.

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