Page 110 - Basilikos 2020 Internal Pages_flipbook
P. 110
From the
College Captains
FRONT ROW: Tanza Dearden-Ord, Geraldine Mouton
SECOND ROW: Dr B. Gallogray, Clayton Hewitt, William Borg, Mr P. Hopper
In my honest opinion, 2020 has been an absolute With majority of the world taking advantage of online
blast. This might sound crazy, but the truth is that it platforms, there was no reason why we couldn’t too.
has been a real opportunity for not only myself but So that’s exactly what we did.
my fellow Captains to try and adapt and overcome
challenges that have been put in our way by At the beginning of Term 2, we introduced Mackay
COVID-19. Christian College’s version of online assembly which
was uploaded to ClickView every Monday morning
One thought that comes to mind is our weekly ready for House Family at 8:25am.
routine of starting the new school week in the Faith
Centre for morning assembly. Obviously due to This continued until the end of Term 2 when we were
Clayton Hewitt COVID restrictions our assemblies were cancelled able to resume our morning assemblies in the Faith
College Captain for a lengthy period of time, but this allowed us to Centre once again at the commencement of Term
brainstorm new ideas on how we could still keep 3. To sum this up in 8 words, Jim Rohn once quoted,
students up to date and engaged with events ‘Focus on the solution, not on the problem.” Well this
happening within the college community. was our solution.