Page 111 - Basilikos 2020 BOOK
P. 111
I have been at MCC since Prep. I was someone On Anzac Day we were still able to pay our
who didn’t have a lot of confidence growing up, respects and remember those who have fallen
but being given the opportunity of becoming but we weren’t able to march together.
female School Captain was a blessing in disguise.
Founders Day, we were able to acknowledge
Over the years our Formal events have the land beneath our feet and the Founders
basically stayed the same, except for this year. of this school. For the future female School
Unfortunately, there were many changes due to Captains, continue to do your best no matter
Covid-19, but it was a blessing to still be able to the circumstances, and remember the teachers
hold some form of each event. chose you for this role for a reason.
Tanza Dearden-Ord
College Captain
This year has been a roller coaster of a year, which Student driven assemblies and student driven
doesn’t help considering it is also our final year Chapels definitely helped build this culture and
of school. helped achieve our goal.
When we began this year our goal was to change Although we encountered roadblocks along the
the landscape of the school and create a student way, I strongly believe that us captains and the
driven school. We planned to do this by all school community succeeded in our mission to
students in the school standing up and being create a student driven school.
held accountable and helping wherever they
William Borg
Vice Captain
Thank goodness tear stains do not appear I won’t sugarcoat it, ATAR is difficult, but doable if
electronically as I find it difficult to say farewell you are confident in how much you can achieve.
to Mackay Christian College and the wonderful
community behind it. Reflecting on my journey I am proud of the determination and grit my
not only as female Vice-Captain for MCC but also cohort has shown throughout 2020, because
just as an unfortunate COVID-19 affected student even though we may have missed out on the House Families Reports Junior School Middle School [ Senior School ] Subjects Extra Curricular Sports
has been a cathartic rollercoaster. ‘traditional’ year as a graduating student, we
made new fonder memories that only we shall
It has been an inside joke between our cohort cherish forever.
that Year 12 students in Queensland have been
Geraldine Mouton the guinea pigs for each new change that has I would like to thank everyone for allowing me
Vice Captain come to the education system, as we were the to serve you as your female Vice-Captain. It was
first group of Year 7’s to enter high school and now truly a blessing to be able to experience being
the first seniors to graduate with an Australian a ‘Covid Captain’. I encourage the future leaders
Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) instead of an OP. of MCC to continue to lead and serve others
through Christlikeness, Learning, Excellence,
Even though the journey has been a difficult one Attitude and Respect, while also remembering
for my peers and I, and has opened my eyes to to just be a better version of yourself than what
the challenges that the world can throw upon us, you were the day before.
it has also revealed to me just how resilient MCC
students are when new changes come about. As an iconic Industry Super Fund advertisement
once said, “we’re all in this together.”
Adjusting to ATAR was as difficult for me as I
believe it was for every Year 12 – a lot of nights
were spent drowning in a sea of unfinished
assignments and the impending doom of exams.