Page 55 - Iconic Restaurateurs - The Entrepreneur Mag Ed. 3
P. 55

Newsroom  Round Up  When did you first realize you had a passion for   love, fueled with passion. I was born to be a chef and nothing else

                                                             so knowing that I am able to do this day and day out is the greatest
       culinary arts?
       My grandmother was the individual who planted a culinary seed
       within me. For me, she was one of the best chefs in the world. Her   pleasure.
       dishes were made with love and even simple things like the bread   What challenges do you face working in the kitchen
       she baked was absolutely unbelievable. Cooking was central to the   environment?
       bonds in my family, from my parents to my aunts and uncles, all of   Everyday is a new challenge. You don’t know who is coming, what
       them loved cooking, so growing up in such an environment, it is no   they will eat and how much they will eat. The planning process
       surprise as to how this passion grew.                 is unpredictable and is always a challenge, just like life itself.
                                                             Another challenge here is the process involved with getting down
       What are some of your signature ingredients and       imported ingredients. It often takes some time so the preparation of
       why?                                                  timelines to ensure that the produce is still fresh when it gets here is
       My signature ingredients are fresh ingredients. I prefer to go back   something that keeps us on our toes.
       to the basics as I am not particularly interested in fusion cooking.
                                                             What sets chefs of Sri Lankan origin apart from the
       People want to have solid, fresh and healthy food. They want to
       know what they are eating, where it came from and how it was
       prepared. From herbs to veggies and spices, freshness is a must in   To put it very simply, they are passionate, talented and hardworking.
       my kitchen.                                           People here are also very laid back and relaxed. I am calmer while
                                                             I work because of this and it definitely helps in the stressful kitchen
       Tell us about the most pleasurable aspect of your job  environment.
       It is the job itself. I live it everyday as it is a lifestyle. When I come
       to work in the morning, I spend the entirety of the day doing what I



 Executive Chef, Hilton Colombo

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