Page 2 - In-Store and Curbside Pick Up Job Aid
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1. Does the client have 30 days for a refund from the time they pick up their item, or is it when
the order is placed online?
Customers have 30 days from the moment of purchase online.
2. How long does it take for a customer to be refunded if they did not pick up?
The order is automatically cancelled 5 days after it is placed if not picked up. There is no charge (and
therefore no refund required) to the customer for an order that is not picked up.
3. If the customer order can only be partially filled are the items we don't have automatically
refunded to the customer?
The customer is only charged for the items they pick up. If an item is missing from the order, it is
automatically cancelled.
4. What happens if a customer does not pick up their order within 5 days?
Their order is automatically cancelled. The store will receive an email to return the items to the selling
floor. The customer is not charged for their item(s) since the charge only goes through when item(s) are
confirmed as picked up.
5. Can a customer extend when they pick up their item past 5 days?
A customer must pick up their order within 5 days otherwise it is automatically cancelled. If a customer
calls to extend their pick up date, you should advise them that the order is automatically going to be
cancelled, but (exceptionally) they can place the item on hold* for 1 additional day and pay for the item
(using POS system) when they come in.
*Please follow the Hold policy for your banner.
1. Is it possible to opt out of In Store & Curbside Pick Up at my location?
Yes, it is possible, but it is exceptional. It is the same process as for Shipment orders, your DSM will initiate
the process.
2. Will we have additional minutes to process pick up orders?
Yes, for every order that is picked up, you will receive 12 additional minutes, to compensate for the time
required to complete the in store pick up or provide curbside.
June 2021 P a g e 2 | 3