Page 135 - البيئة والتنمية المستدامة
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38- International Symposium on Environmental
    Management No 1 pp 79 June (1987) Istanbul.

39- J.H. Menner (1976) “Cadmium Toxicity” Dekker,
    New York.

40- L.T. Fribera and J.J Vostal, (1972) “Mercury in the
    Environment”, CRC press, Gleveland.

41- I. Breach, (1976). “Earth in Danger: Part 1,
    pollution” Madrid.

42- J.H. Duffus, (1980) “Environmental
    Toxicology”Edward Arnold, London 1980.

43- J.M. Ratcliffe, (1981). “lead in man and the
    Environment” Ellis Horwood Limited, Chichester,

44- Esber Sheen, (1974) Environmental Pollution:
    Awareness and Control. Engineering Technology
    Incorporated, Illinois.

45- R.W. Raiswell. P. Brimblecombe. D.L. Dent and
    P.S Liss, (1980). Environmental Chemistry: The
    Earth-Air Water Factory. Resource and
    Environmental Sciences Series, Edward Arnold Ltd.

46- Norris Shreve, (1967) Chemical Process Industries,
    3rdEd, MeGraw-Hill Book Company. New York.

47- J. Calvin Giddings, (1973) Chemistry: Man and
    Enviromental Change, Harper and Row publishers.

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