Page 6 - Computer Applications in Kindergarten
P. 6
Process data as desired
Retrieve the stored data as and when required
Print the result in desired format.
Data and Information: Data: It is the term used for raw facts
and figures fed into the computer and along with the set of
instructions which enables the computer to convert this raw data
into the refined and useful information. Information: Data
represented in useful and meaningful form is information.
Data and information are related concepts, but they have
different meanings. Data refers to raw facts and figures that are
unorganized and have no meaning on their own. Information, on
the other hand, is data that has been processed, organized, and
given context to make it meaningful and useful.
Data can take many forms, such as numbers, words, images, or
sounds. For example, a list of sales figures for a company is
data. However, this data by itself does not provide any useful
information. It needs to be processed and analyzed to be turned
into information that can be used for decision-making.