Page 176 - نماذج عالمية للتعليم المجتمعي
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   21- Pasi, S. (2010): “The Secret to Finland’s Success: Educating Teachers”, Stand ford
         Center for Opportunity Policy in Education, Research Brief, September, P. 2.
   22- Pasi, S., (2012): “A Model Lesson, Finland shows us What Equal Opportunity Looks
         Like”, American Educator, Spring.
   23- RAND Education (2004): Education in Mexico Challengs and Opportunities, by The
         William and Folrahewle tt. Foundation, December..
   24- Sharma, M.M. (1992): Financial Management of Universities in India, New Delhi:
         Concept Publishing Company.
   25- Susan & (2006): How does Economic Liberalization Affect Investment in
         Education? Evidence from Mexico, June 30.
   26- Wasley, Apatricra, Et al 2000: Small School ,: Great Strides, A study of New Small
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   27- Wragg (1995): Primary Teaching Skills, New Yourk: Library of Congress.

Conference :
    1- Camara , Jarica da Silva (2000 ) : Globalization and Teach Education , x th World
         Congress OF Comparative Education , University of cape Town , South Africa , 12-7
         July ,?و?
    2- Kalaoja, E. (2004): “Multi-Grade Teaching and Its Innovation in Finland”, Paper
         Presented in Second International Multi-Grade Teaching Conference at Chula
         Longkom University, Bangkok, Thailand, September .
    3- Kalaoja, E. (2004): “Multi-Grade Teaching and Its Innovation in Finland”, Paper
         Presented in Second International Multi-Grade Teaching Conference at Chula
         Longkom University, Bangkok, Thailand, September .
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