Page 232 - النظس السياسية
P. 232
43- Jillian Schwedler (2001) framing political Islam and Democratization.
Islamist parties in Jordan and Yemen. Paper presented at the Annual
meeting of the American political Science Association, August 30 –
September 2, san Francisco, CA.
44- Dalia Dassa kaye (2001). Political leader ship, framing security
policy: the Israeli Decision to withdraw from southern Lebanon. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the American political science
association, august 30 – September 2, san Francisco, CA
45- J. Robyn Goodman (1997). Framing public figures: how the media's affective
attributes influence attitudes and opinions. Paper presented at "framing in
the New media land scape" Conference of the center for mass
communication research, October 12 – 14, at University of South Carolina.