Page 244 - تاريخ التربية الفنية ونظرياتها
P. 244

Counts, G. S. (1978). Dare the school build a new social
      orders Carbondale: South ern Illinois University Press.
                                     (Original work published 1934)

 Cowley, M. (1951). Exiles return, New York: Viking Press.
  (Original work pub. lished 1934) Crane, W. (1905). Ideals

        :in art: Papers, theoretical, practical, critical. London

 George Bell & Sons. Cremin, L. (1964). Transformation of
                            .the school. New York: Vintage Books

D'Amico, V. (1953), Creative leaching in art. Scranton, PM:
 International Textbook Co. (Original work published 1942)

   Da Vinci, L. (1958). Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci (E.
               .MacCurdy, Trans.). New York: George Braziller

 Davis, D. J. (1969). Behavioral emphasis in art education.
              .Reston, VA: National Art Education Association

  Dean, M. S. (1924). History of the Massachusetts Normal
    Art School: 1873-4 to 1923-4. Boston: Massachusetts
                                                     .Normal Art School

           Dearborn, N. H. (1925). The Oswego movement in
     American education (Teachers College Contributions to

            Education No. 183). New York: Teachers College,
                                                   .Columbia University

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