Page 76 - تغذية فئات خاصة الجزء العملي
P. 76
66 ~
?) التوصيات الغذائية المس?5( ?جدول?
dged) designed for the maintenance of good nutrition of
eople in the United States
Protein Vitamin A Vitamin Iron Zinc Iodine
(g) )?.g RE( )mg( )?.g ( )p.g (
)?.g (
13 375 5 6 5 40
14 375 10 10 5 50
16 400 15 10 10 70
24 500 20 10 10 90
28 700 30 10 10 120
45 1.000 45 12 15 150
59 1.000 65 12 15
58 1.000 70 10 15 150
63 1.000 80 10 15 150
63 1.000 80 10 15
46 800 45 15 12 150
44 800 55 15 12 150
46 800 60 15 12 150
50 800 65 15 12 150
50 800 65 10 12 150
60 800 65 30 15 175
65 1.300 65 15 19 200
62 1.200 65 15 16 200
rovide for individual variations among most normal persons as they live in the
variety of common foods in order to provide other nutrients for which human
ults are actual medians for the US population of the designated age, as reported
were taken from Hamill et al (1979). The use of these figures does not imply that